Worried about personal trainer philosophy

Hello everyone,

I recently bought a few sessions with a personal trainer, but I am not entirely sure they are worth it. The amount of weight he wants me to lose per week is only one pound, and all he has me do is the 2 sessions per week I do with him. He has not told me I should do cardio or other workouts outside of what I do with him. This is concerning to me. He also is having me eat 1600+ calories a day! with no restrictions on what type of food I eat. It has been a little over two weeks and I am not seeing any results. I want to lose a significant amount of weight (40 lbs) by May and I am worried I will be so far from that weight by May if I keep training with him. I am not sure it is worth the money to continue when I am so frustrated so far. I feel like he is making me lose at such a slow rate so that I have to keep going to him longer. I'm not sure what to do.


  • Atishi87
    Atishi87 Posts: 51 Member
    Have a lil faith. Do workouts outside of your time with him. Eat the 1600 calories, but try and get those calories from lean meat, veggies and nuts. Weight loss at 1 lb a week is sustainable in the long run. But, for 2-3 weeks you could try losing 2 lbs a week. It will be easier initially. Use your trainer as added help, but use your own judgement for the most part. Good luck :)
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    You can't rush the weight loss. Losing 2 lbs a week is hard to do and not easy on your body either. He is going for the slow and steady lifestyle change. You don't have to only workout with him either. If you feel the need to do some cardio then do it.
  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    slower weight loss would suggest it will stay off and be fat rather than just water/muscle and perhaps you can argue 1600 cals and two work outs a week is a sustainable habit and he is trying to give you a lifestyle change and not just a quick result that you wont be able to maintain. I eat 1800 a day and have 3-4 work outs when I'm on target and lose weight so it doesn't sound so strange to me.

    I get your concerns though if you are paying him more the longer you need him around.

    Have you taken measurements and do you feel any progress in your fitness?
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    You don't need to restrict foods to lose weight, and a female at your age....1600 doesn't sound like a lot/too much...at all.

    Calories in vs Calories out.

    Without knowing your current height and weight, 1lb a week could be perfectly fine and anything over that could be pretty aggressive.

    Not sure why the trainer would only have you working out 2 days a week though.
  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    I think his plan sounds healthy and very realistic. Maybe you should speak to him about wanting to lose 1.5lbs per week, at least for the first couple of months.

    I definitely agree that you should have at least some kind of calorie limit and staying at or very close to 1600 per day is a good idea.

    There is nothing wrong with adding 30 mins of walking everyday or so on top of your current workouts with him. But there is absolutely no need to kill yourself in order to lose this weight.
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I recently bought a few sessions with a personal trainer, but I am not entirely sure they are worth it. The amount of weight he wants me to lose per week is only one pound, and all he has me do is the 2 sessions per week I do with him. He has not told me I should do cardio or other workouts outside of what I do with him. This is concerning to me. He also is having me eat 1600+ calories a day! with no restrictions on what type of food I eat. It has been a little over two weeks and I am not seeing any results. I want to lose a significant amount of weight (40 lbs) by May and I am worried I will be so far from that weight by May if I keep training with him. I am not sure it is worth the money to continue when I am so frustrated so far. I feel like he is making me lose at such a slow rate so that I have to keep going to him longer. I'm not sure what to do.
    If you drop 500 calories from your current diet, you could loose upto 1lbs a week.
    IF you workout / burn 500 calories in addition to your diet you could loose upto 2lbs a week.

    How many clients has your PT have.
    How many have them been successfull?
    How long has he been a PT?
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    idk much about PT's and have a bunch of questions myself, but I dont think they are typically nutritionists and am not sure they should be telling you what to eat. losing a pound a week is ok, even less if you dont have a significant amount to lose is reasonable. also, you may also gain weight when you first start out doing a new workout. I would give it more time, two weeks isnt enough time to make a judgement. however, if you dont feel it, look elsewhere. but consider this a good opportunity to learn what you ARE looking for in a PT.
  • Hallelujah that there are still personal trainers out there that know the correct way to lose weight is slowly, and that starving your body isn't the answer.
    I'd suggest, just from the info in this post, stick with this guy. When you get tired of paying him, do what he has said to do without him there. (Also, did you ASK about additional workouts? Most trainers want you to do cardio on your own time).
    If you want to lose 5 lbs a week and then gain it all right back again, starve yourself, don't build muscle, and you'll be right there.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Wow ....... He sound like a great trainer!!!!!!

    He gave you great advise and you should listen to him.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    A pound a week in fine.
    Especially since you only have 40 pounds to lose. (which isn't a significant amount of weight really)

    Why are you setting a date on your weight loss?
    Typically a recipe for failure.

    And to lose weight, you shouldn't have restrictions on the food you eat anyway.
    If you do, it's another recipe for failure.
  • I am 5'4 and 156 pounds
  • careydesignstudio
    careydesignstudio Posts: 16 Member
    The pace he has you training at isn't really a concern. Sounds like he is also trying to get some accountability and discipline instilled in you by only doing 2 sessions per week, but asking you to do the rest on your own.

    The part that concerns me is the diet (or lack of) guidance. I have been working with a GREAT trainer for a year now, and the VERY first thing he told me is that nutrition is 70% of the battle. If I didn't take care of that on my own, I wouldn't see any results from working with him. 2 pounds per week shouldn't be difficult, but it is going to happen because of your diet (not just calories, but the quality of those calories), not just because of your exercise regimen.

    I was frustrated with my trainer for the first few weeks because what I envisioned was lifting a bunch of weights (I'm a guy) straight off. As it turned out, we did 4 solid weeks of core and balance. Not what I was expecting. When I complained about it, he took me over the the Smith machine, set it up for standing military press and told me to go for it. The very first thing that happened when I went to lift the weight was my core completely engaged. Historically, I would have been all arched back and awful posture. The core / balance work was critical for doing anything else.

    I'd challenge him on the diet stuff, and anything else you feel isn't working out. It's his job to explain what's going on (education), hold you to the program (accountability), and keep you on track (encouragement). If you are just blindly lifting weights with no guidance or education, it doesn't sound like you have a very good trainer.

    Hope this helps,
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Wow ....... He sound like a great trainer!!!!!!

    He gave you great advise and you should listen to him.

  • Hello everyone,

    I recently bought a few sessions with a personal trainer, but I am not entirely sure they are worth it. The amount of weight he wants me to lose per week is only one pound, and all he has me do is the 2 sessions per week I do with him. He has not told me I should do cardio or other workouts outside of what I do with him. This is concerning to me. He also is having me eat 1600+ calories a day! with no restrictions on what type of food I eat. It has been a little over two weeks and I am not seeing any results. I want to lose a significant amount of weight (40 lbs) by May and I am worried I will be so far from that weight by May if I keep training with him. I am not sure it is worth the money to continue when I am so frustrated so far. I feel like he is making me lose at such a slow rate so that I have to keep going to him longer. I'm not sure what to do.
    If you drop 500 calories from your current diet, you could loose upto 1lbs a week.
    IF you workout / burn 500 calories in addition to your diet you could loose upto 2lbs a week.

    How many clients has your PT have.
    How many have them been successfull?
    How long has he been a PT?

    He seems to have a lot of clients and has been in the business for over 15 years. I think a fair amount of them have been successful.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I recently bought a few sessions with a personal trainer, but I am not entirely sure they are worth it. The amount of weight he wants me to lose per week is only one pound, and all he has me do is the 2 sessions per week I do with him. He has not told me I should do cardio or other workouts outside of what I do with him. This is concerning to me. He also is having me eat 1600+ calories a day! with no restrictions on what type of food I eat. It has been a little over two weeks and I am not seeing any results. I want to lose a significant amount of weight (40 lbs) by May and I am worried I will be so far from that weight by May if I keep training with him. I am not sure it is worth the money to continue when I am so frustrated so far. I feel like he is making me lose at such a slow rate so that I have to keep going to him longer. I'm not sure what to do.
    If you drop 500 calories from your current diet, you could loose upto 1lbs a week.
    IF you workout / burn 500 calories in addition to your diet you could loose upto 2lbs a week.

    How many clients has your PT have.
    How many have them been successfull?
    How long has he been a PT?

    He seems to have a lot of clients and has been in the business for over 15 years. I think a fair amount of them have been successful.

    Then why are you questioning him so much after 2 weeks?
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    I entered this thread to see what sort of nonsense this trainer put forth.

    I was pleasantly surprised to find that the plan he has you on seems pretty sound. Obviously, I don't know the exact details of your workout, but since everything else seems reasonable, I'm going to assume your overall workout plan is fine.

    I'm surprised he doesn't want you doing more than your sessions with him, though. I have four thoughts on this matter. A) He doesn't want you to think you can do this without him, so you keep paying him; B) You're so new to exercise and so uncoordinated that maybe he feels you need someone to make sure you don't hurt yourself; C) You're new to exercise, so he's trying to break you in slowly, so that you don't overdo it and become discouraged; D) You've misunderstood - only 2x/week of "hard" exercise, with whatever low-stress exercise (such as walking) the rest of the week.

    In any case, ask him exactly why he doesn't want you doing more than your 2x/week exercise. And follow his plan, I'd say.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    sounds to me like you were hoping for some crazy fad diet and a lunatic who pushed you until you either gave up or got ill.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    C) You're new to exercise, so he's trying to break you in slowly, so that you don't overdo it and become discouraged.
    this was my assumption. building up over time is the smart way to go about it.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    I want to lose a significant amount of weight (40 lbs) by May and I am worried I will be so far from that weight by May if I keep training with him.
    Then what is YOUR plan to achieve this goal? Do you know something your trainer doesn't?
  • airborne18th
    airborne18th Posts: 57 Member
    It is about fitness, not just dieting. If you are out of shape and lack muscle tone then you need to start there, and you can't build tone by starving yourself. It is really about lifestyle change and it takes time and dedication.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Would you rather rush the weight loss and gain it all back?

    He gave you very sound advice for sustainable weight loss. It sounds like your expectations need to be adjusted, not his plan.
  • anybeary
    anybeary Posts: 188 Member
    As someone at a similar height/weight, I would agree that 2 workouts per week at 1600 calories is not going to do it for you. I have recently switched trainers (my old one moved to Wyoming), and I've come across a trainer now who doesn't believe in calories in/calories out, it seems, and only has us working out 3 x per week and says NO CARDIO between sessions, and he's expecting me to lose 20 lbs in 6 weeks. I think he's friggin out of his mind if he thinks that's going to work! Anyway, everyone's body is different. Eat lean meats and non starchy veggies, as someone else said, do your own math when it comes to your calorie intake goals, and start working up toward moving 5 days a week. Some male trainers just don't get that female bodies don't drop weight/gain muscle like male bodies. I would find a trainer whose philosophy you can get behind, because having a trainer who you TRUST is really key when it comes to your attitude going forward. I don't plan to stick with the guy I've got once this six week session is over. Honestly, even a one pound a week weight loss isn't realistic depending upon your daily activity level. If you've got an office job and sit all day, 2 workouts and 1600 calories isn't going to get you there.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    Wow ....... He sound like a great trainer!!!!!!

    He gave you great advise and you should listen to him.

  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    I actually think his plan sounds pretty good!
    In fact, I recently spoke to a trainer who basically told me to do the opposite of what your trainer said. I thought it sounded ridiculous, and I did not hire him.

    I'm sure you could do more workouts on your own time as long as you fuel your body properly, but at 156 pounds, you probably shouldn't aim to lose much more than a pound a week. As someone else mentioned, it sounds like your trainer is trying to work you into a steady and sustainable lifestyle so that you can have long-term success.

    You can ask him for a specific calorie goal, but 1600 calories sounds very reasonable to me. I eat 1700 calories (of whatever I want, as long as I'm fulfilling my nutritional requirements), and it works out fine. If he's a good trainer with lots of successful clients, you should stick to his plan for a few weeks and then re-evaluate how you're feeling.
  • nfgchick79
    nfgchick79 Posts: 89 Member
    This is the first post I have seen about a trainer that I actually think the trainer knows what s/he is talking about! His plan sounds sustainable and healthy. I expected to come in here and see some sort of unhealthy nonsense.
  • asaffell
    asaffell Posts: 43 Member
    This is sound advice to keep you successful toward your goals.
  • Chain_Ring
    Chain_Ring Posts: 753 Member
    Dump him.
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    At 5'4" 156 you will likely lose weight at 1600 calories with no exercise. It would be slow weight loss, but you would lose.

    I think your PT is on the right track. Ask about adding a couple days of cardio if you want to.
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    1 pound a week when you only have 40 pounds to lose is pretty sound advice, as for working out apart from him, I think that is the way most personal trainers do it, I mean the alternative would be meet with him daily and who can afford to do that? The idea is to meet with him twice a week to get feedback and instruction in techniques, and then to implement what you've learned throughout the week.

    1600 calories a day also sounds reasonable.

    Now, as to whether it is worth the cost, only you can decided that. I don't have a personal trainer, I simply can't afford it. However I do study a lot so that I know how to help myself, and I use a lot of DVD workouts. If I did hire a trainer, I would probably not be able to afford to keep him through my entire journey, so I would learn all I could while I had him there.

    His focus is probably on giving you the best chance at being able to lose the weight and keep it off, rather than just on helping you to lose it as quickly as possible.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    One hundred and sixteen pounds may be too low for you--please don't focus on a number as your goal, focus more on inches lost.

    Your trainer sounds like a keeper. Trying to lose more than a pound a week is HARD. You'll either have to work yourself to exhaustion, starve yourself to the point you'll end up binging, or both. He has you on a sensible plan that fuels your workouts--your car won't run without gas, and your body can't work out hard without fuel.

    There's nothing that says you can't be active on the days you're not training--get in 30-60 minutes of walking and you'll burn calories just fine.