Night time is my worst enemy!!

Well, I did pretty good last night, but nights are the absolute worst for me!! I'm okay until I tuck the kids in bed, and hubby leaves for work ( he works nights)...then I"m all alone...My husband works crazy hours, and sometimes we have dinner at 4 or 5 so he can eat before he leaves...Once he leaves and kids are sleeping, my mind starts to wander...and I go look in the cabinets, etc..I don't buy alot of junk food, but it's the "mental" part of it that I'm trying to overcome. I could just go to bed at 9 pm, but that is the ONLY quiet time I have everyday, so I enjoy it... I just try to take it one day at a time..and hope for the best...:ohwell:


  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Night time is my week time as well. It doesn't matter how much I've eaten, how little I've eaten, how much protein, or how little protein, if I've worked out or not....when the evening arrives, I WANT FOOD! Because I know this about myself I always save a little extra cals for the night time. ;)
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    You, like me, seems to have the symptoms of being an emotional eater. We will, if we're not careful, ingest as many calories at night as we do all day long. Usually this is to fill some kind of emotional need. It sounds to me like you might be lonely once everyone else is asleep or at work. Try to find something to do until you're ready for bed. Stay away from watching TV, as a lot of times, we will absently shove unhealthy garbage into our mouths when watching television. Instead, try talking to friends, or go online and join an overeaters anonymous support group. Develop some kind of connection to people at this time of day so that you don't feel lonely, and won't be tempted to eat. I fit in this same category, and it's a struggle for me as well. Feel free to friend me!
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Try exercising. I understand you can't go for a walk w/the kids sleeping, but you can do crunches, push-ups, plank, etc. Doing simple exercises during commercial breaks not only burns cals. so you earn cals. for a snack but it will also takes your mind off the food and you might not even want to snack in the end. Good luck!
  • fat2skiny
    I can relate. When I'm alone at night my mind wanders and I immediately crave sugar and fat. I try to save calories for my week moments but it's hard. You can overcome this!!!
  • candlegal
    candlegal Posts: 220 Member
    Good advice Dan! I should try that too. Andee, I'm the same. My husband has a second job which is in the evenings sometimes 4 to 5 nights a week. So I hear ya. I might try Dans idea. We have the wii system and my son is going to bring home the wii fit board this weekend and I am going to try it out. I has physical games that get you moving etc. I could certainly stand to do a few sits-ups though.
    Good luck Andee, I'm on mfp alot at night, send me a message:)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi there,
    If you are an emotional eater I did a program called Shrink Yourself. com
    It is all about emotional eating and how you recognize your trigger moments.
    I did a 3-month program and learned alot about myself. You do have to pay
    for the site but it is worth it. :flowerforyou:
    TV commericals don't help at night either. I'm with you, it is hard at night
    especially when you are alone. Maybe take up a hobby in the evenings to
    keep you occupied.:smile:
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Here is an informative, helpful video on emotional eating:
  • lauralynette
    sometimes it helps me to brush and floss my teeth I am also using a fluoride rinse that you can not eat until 30 mins after, read over a few things online, do a few jumping jacks.
  • SarahElittlebit
    SarahElittlebit Posts: 66 Member
    You could try brushing your teeth as soon as everyone is down for the night. I always hate putting stuff in my mouth after I've brushed my teeth. Another tip is to refuse to enter the kitchen after 9pm. Get everything done in there that needs to be done and don't go in there again. Good Luck!
  • rockinmomto3
    rockinmomto3 Posts: 97 Member
    Night time is tough for me too. I try to keep some low cal ice cream snacks around for then, but I'm trying to convince myself to give those up too. I'm trying to get into the habit of having a big cup of tea at night so that it fills me up a bit, it's a little sweet, and it's relaxing.