Gaining Weight Instead Of Loosing, HELP?

I started my diet nearly two weeks ago, i swapped fizzy drinks for water, i started having special k for breakfast and lunch, i have a normal cooked dinner and then if im hungry have a special k cereal bar once a day, and i'll have a hot chocolate once a day somedays. how am i putting on weight? I'm using the app fitness pal and im eatting about 1,200 calories a day my fitness pal target is to eat under 1,500 a day which i am meeting. I use the rowwing machine five times a week for 20-30 minutes. where am i going wrong? Since i have started my diet I seem to be putting more weight on, and it is making me want to stop my dieting, i just want to get to a healthy weight. i weigh 159lbs now.
Any Advice?


  • Shines01
    Shines01 Posts: 26 Member
    Honestly you may need to add more calories. I had the same problem and when I started adding a few snacks between meals (eatting every 2 1/2 -4 hours) making sure they were balanced with a carb and protein I began to lose weight. Also remember that the first 2 weeks your body is adjusting and it may take a little longer to start losing regularly. Hope that helps and good luck on your journey
  • zombiemomjo
    zombiemomjo Posts: 494 Member
    You also have a lot of overly processed food in your diet. Lots of carbs, and not many fresh fruits, veggies or lean proteins. Have a nice healthy mix of foods really makes the difference for me. Not sure what you are eating for your normal dinner, but I would try swapping out the Special K for a couple of hard boiled eggs or something to that effect. Just a thought!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    How much weight have you put on and over what period of time? How carefully are you logging your food? Are you using a food scale, measuring cups, or estimating portion sizes? I'm tempted to say that it could be water retention if you've just started working out, but it's hard to tell with so little information.