
Well here I go.....again!

Over the years I've done Slimming World, Weightwatchers, gone it alone and mostly recently Rosemary Conley. To say I've had success on these wouldn't really be correct as I've gained all the weight back and some.

Over the last few years my weight has fluctuated, not always by much but enough to now send me to my doctors to see if anything is causing this. I've had multiple blood tests - thyroid, B12, liver function - you name it I've been tested for it. They've all come back clear, so I've no medical reason for not being able to maintain a weight loss.

I am brutally honest about what I eat, for the most part I don't have a bad diet, there are days when I eat for England, Scotland and Wales, but they are few and far between. I've even seen a nutritionist who cannot see anything wrong with what I am eating. Yes, I could probably exercise more, I walk well over 12 miles a week to and from where I live to the train station and that's without any walking during my lunch break or weekends. I was attending Zumba classes but these have now been cancelled and unless I want to do a 12 mile round trip 2 or 3 times a week there are no exercise classes that fit in with my working hours where I live.

My Christmas weight gain was 6lb, I was straight back on my 1200 cals a day once I was back to work but this has only netted me a 1lb loss - I appreciate a 1lb is better than nothing but normally when I do this I loose at good 4/5lb within the first week.

So here I am, frustrated, upset and not knowing what else I can do or try.