C4 and creatine

Hey everyone,
I've been doing weight training on and off for years, having gotten more into it over the past year. I'm an otherwise fairly sedentary office worker trying to get in shape after years of being overweight, since I used to be an athlete back in the day, and now play in an adult softball league. As they say, your best path to weight loss and fitness is by doing something you enjoy, right? Anyway, a friend introduced me to the pre-workout C4, which I've been taking before my workouts to help avoid the mid-workout burnout that I tend to get otherwise. You know, that little inner voice that says, "Blah, I'm lazy. Can we be done yet?" before the routine is even over. I've also been known to take creatine on a daily basis, but when I looked more closely at the C4 container, I saw that it already had creatine in it, so I've stopped with the separate dosage to avoid going overboard. Of course, I've got my protein shakes after the workouts, as well.

So, here's my question. What do you think of C4 and pre-workout supplements like it? Is it safe to also take creatine on a daily basis, or is that too much? I like the boost I get from the C4, but it's not worth my health. The only side effect I have gotten is the niacin flush/itching, which is pretty common, from what I've read. I have a healthy heart, and don't take it with caffeine just in case.

I realize that forum posts are no substitute for a doctor's advice, but I'm looking for other people's personal experiences with C4 (and other pre-workout supplements) and creatine. Thanks!


  • mikemc620
    mikemc620 Posts: 129 Member
    I occasionally take C4 before my workouts. The amount of creatine in it is not a full dose and I continue to take my 5-6g of creatine daily if I take the C4 or not.
  • tyrsnbdr
    tyrsnbdr Posts: 234 Member
    I take both. I have great workouts. I'm not going to buy C4 after this one runs out, but purely for financial reasons.

    When I took too much creatine, I felt sick and jumpy. I do not get that feeling with 5g creatinie and 3 scopes c4.
  • boystennismom
    boystennismom Posts: 28 Member
    My sons trainer has him on both and they seem to work well. He does not have any side effects and feels he gets a longer more intense workout. He will have to stop soon as these are banned by the NCAA but it doesn't sound like that would be a problem for you. Hope that helps.