Q about runner's knees and yoga ...

I am creaky and stiff in my knees from years of running ... I am quite flexible elsewhere, but I'm finding that now I'm starting up with yoga, some of the cross-legged poses and the pigeon pose (and probably others), my knees are what's holding me back. I look a bit ridiculous, actually, because they don't lay flat like everyone elses, lol! I don't really want to use the blocks - I just want to get more flexible there. So ... my question is: should I push the flexibility in my knees or am I likely to do damage which might affect my ability to run? I am much more concerned about protecting the running than improving the yoga. Thanks for your insight. :)


  • katied1987123
    I wouldn't worry about not being able to flex right into the Yoga poses if you have just started...most poses take practice and time. Just do what you CAN do in the class, and you'll soon see improvements, just don't worry about it or push yourself too far! :)
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Use the blocks! Use/get smaller ones or use a couple of folded towels as you progress. Don't push it! It should be stretchy-feeling but not very uncomfortable. You can hurt yourself by trying to lengthen things quickly that take time and recovery cycles to lengthen.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    I agree, you should use blocks.

    The tightness is probably not in your knees, although you may feel it there. It is more likely in your hip/buttock area - also possibly from running.
  • morty1966
    morty1966 Posts: 250 Member
    I have similar problems with my knees. I do pilates and used the blocks to begin with. Now I have been going a year I am so much stronger and more flexible than when I started. Give yourself time and you will be amazed at the difference.
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    Thank you all!!