Starting up.....yet again

So I've been here for a while before and was doing really well lost about 9 kilos in a couple of months. Was motivated pumped and was looking forward to further weight loss. Then work got really stressful and I couldn't put in the time for exercise as I was working 12 hour days and was super exhausted. I started eating at my desk and where previously I hadn't touched mcd's and kfc in six months I started eating all of the junk again and gained 1.5 kilos

It's after Christmas and I want to get back to how I was but I just can't get back into my old rhythm. I felt like a different person after the weight loss but now I feel like I'm in this big funk and cannot get out of it.

Has anyone experienced this and how did you get out of it?


  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    You just have to push through it, regain your determination, and put the excuses to rest. I'm fighting the same thing right now, haven't gained any weight, still losing in fact, but I feel like I have to push myself, where before Christmas it was just second nature. Stick to your goals and you'll eventually work through the rut.
