
Hey everyone, I'm a newbie, just signed up on the site on Monday with my sister and another friend. Thought i'd come check out the message boards.

My name is Dawn and i'm looking forward to checking out the other posts.

Have a great day.

In HIS Love,



  • GingerDarlene
    good luck to y'all
  • Beckybryant3
    hi Dawn I am a newbie (only 3 weeks on the site) just wanted to say hi! My name is Becky and I love Jesus too!! Good luck on your journey !! I have found the sight to be so helpful and it is so fun to see the progress. I am enjoying it and trying to make healthy eating and living a lifestyle change for me!! HAve a fabulous day!! Becky
  • ToadallyHIS
    Thanks for the welcome Ladies, I'm really excited. I'm hoping I can maintain this journey. I've lost and gained probably 200 plus lbs since I started struggling with my weight. I get rid of a nice chunk of it and then i get lazy and return back to my old eating habits and before i know i'm larger than i was when i started. i have always wanted to be one of *those* girls that can get rid of the weight and then enjoy eating whatever i want and then i lose my mind. so frustrating, but i'm hoping this is the time that i get it right forever.

    My biggest struggles seem to be with affording the healthy choices. Let's face it, eating right is NOT cheap. And on a limited budget it's hard to make the dollars stretch to make good choices for every meal when macaroni and cheese and chicken nuggets are cheaper and go farther.