No Weight Loss After 2 Weeks



  • tonydepalma
    tonydepalma Posts: 15 Member
    They will kill me obviously you do not have a high insulin resistance and are doing well. Some of us just can't eat them they are poison. Our nation is addicted to sugar one in three are obese.
  • tonydepalma
    tonydepalma Posts: 15 Member
    It has to do with a low fat high sugar diet in 1960 it was 1 in 8. "Dietary fat does not cause fat" DR. Barry Sears
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    Here are some reasons:

    1. You *could* be retaining water for being "that time of the month." It could be that but then again, even when its that time, if you are just starting a diet the water weight will come right off.

    2. You may not be exercising at an intensity that burns fat and calories efficiently.

    3. You may be eating more calories than you think!

    Normally, you lose weight the fastest in the first couple weeks. Mostly water weight. I started my weight loss when it was that time of the month and I was still losing water weight.

    Make sure you are logging your cals correctly and maybe step it up in your workout routine.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    It has to do with a low fat high sugar diet in 1960 it was 1 in 8. "Dietary fat does not cause fat" DR. Barry Sears

    Ummm....Pretty much everyone knows that fat doesn't make you fat here dude. Also, sorry you are insulin sensitive...I'm stop telling me (and others) I'm going to die if I eat carbs. They are my rocket fuel that helps me train for triathlons and century rides. Your sweeping generalizations are sweeping...

    I don't drink multiple 40 oz big gulps every day...I do eat about 6-9 servings of vegetables and 2-3 servings of fruit...I regularly eat oatmeal, potatoes, pasta, grains, etc. I eat about 30 - 35% of my diet in fat and hit about .9 - 1 gram of protein per Lb of my LBM. I get around 200 - 250 grams of carbs per day depending on my training regimen that day. I'm doing just fine.
  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    Everyone here has got a bit of the story right.
    It is calories in calories out.
    Too many highly refined high glycaemic index ( they break down very FAST and are absorbed VERY fast) carbs can cause insulin resistance. I'm talking white bread, junk food, cheesecakes, mcdonalds, white rice (strangely enough) sugar sugar, white flour products, stuff made with too much of this stuff etc.
    Most obesity today is caused by too many calories in (which is often ****ty junk food) and the consequence is insulin resistance. They go together. Not separate.
    The human body is complex.

    I have to weigh everything. I still eyeball and estimate too low.

    Try reading:
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    You're probably eating more than you think:

    Even dietitians have been shown to overestimate calories consumed!

    As for Taubes, I highly recommend reading George Bray's review of "Good Calories, Bad Calories," which appeared in Obesity Reviews in 2008, along with the response by Taubes and Bray's reply:

    doi: 10.1111/j.1467-789X.2008.00476.x
    doi: 10.1111/j.1467-789X.2008.00510.x
    doi: 10.1111/j.1467-789X.2008.00526.x

    (I have access to the journal through work; if the articles are behind a paywall, check with your public library or a local public university library.)
  • tonydepalma
    tonydepalma Posts: 15 Member
    Rocket fuel thats a myth too Taubes cites marathon runners who now refute it as weight gain came for them in later years.
  • tonydepalma
    tonydepalma Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks a lot I read them and Bray is a nutcase. Dr. Eades wrote a response too and refutes Brays junk science. its like believing in climate change just isn't true. I wonder who funds Bray. usually people hang on to beliefs like his because of some form of government funding. I may be completely off but I'm curious.
  • tonydepalma
    tonydepalma Posts: 15 Member
    Thats good your body is producing plenty of insulin but obesity is about the hormone insulin not calories. Have you listen to Taubes? I assume not and perhaps you have no need too. But his evidence is irrefutable
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Thanks a lot I read them and Bray is a nutcase. Dr. Eades wrote a response too and refutes Brays junk science. its like believing in climate change just isn't true. I wonder who funds Bray. usually people hang on to beliefs like his because of some form of government funding. I may be completely off but I'm curious.

    Bray is a highly respected nutritional scientist, who publishes a lot (over 600 Pubmed citations) in peer-reviewed journals. Taubes is a journalist. Guess who I think is more likely to be right. Did you even read Bray's review of Taubes, noting that "Good Calories, Bad Calories" uses a pre-leptin model for obesogenesis?
  • tonydepalma
    tonydepalma Posts: 15 Member
    Bray is an angry Liberal. Taubes is a realist. True not a doctor but most doctors know little about nutrition period. Eades rebutted the whole thing and Eades is another Atkins a realist Doctor. These guys just won't admit it is true. look at the studies from 30's and 40's before the war when it was dropped. Carbs and sugar especially cause the problems. I read Bray he makes no sense he acts like we can't stop eating sugar but we can and do. As for rocket fuel and Carbs read this. Sweden has changed to low Carb only reason we reject it here is same reason that we agree with phony science on climate change. Government dole simple stuff!
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    I think somebody needs a tinfoil hat.

    Thanks for the laugh this morning!