20years old , motivated , need friends !

Im Tiara =)
20 years old, mother of a beautiful 2 year old little girl .
Ill be 21 in November & I want to look my absolute best ! I owe myself that .
November is a long time away , I need as much motivation as possible to stay on track !
I do monthly challenges "including 30 squat & ab challenge" , daily simple exercises too !
I reallg want this for myself . I plan on setting monthly weight loss goals .
need hellllllpppp . add me !


  • Hi! You can do it! :smile:

    You just have to stay on track! I know it's hard I am working on it too!!
  • Mommy2Fit93
    Mommy2Fit93 Posts: 3 Member
    thank you sooo much . I really hope so .
  • silenceinspace
    silenceinspace Posts: 142 Member
    I'm 21! Feel free to add me. If not, good luck anyway!! You can do it.
  • I'm a 20 year old mommy also! I'm looking for motivational buddies!
  • mrsteteb
    mrsteteb Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I am 24 years old, I've started and stopped numerous times, and honestly I am tired of being defeated. I am so ready to get back to a smaller size. I need some motivation too. I am willing to help someone, and could really use some motivation myself.