Weight Loss Fitness Plans

I am looking to lose about 20-30 pounds. I have started working on my diet but I need help with my exercise routine and making sure I burn calories. I have a treadmill that I don't mind working out on for now.



  • DinosaurR
    Not sure if this is something you can do, but I recently joined a gym that ONLY offers classes. They offer classes all day, from yoga, TRX, pilates, kickboxing, Hiit. etc. This has really helped me because I find that classes more fun and I have more motivation to get through the entire hour. I used to run but I would get bored and give up. Now I can attend classes at almost any time in the day.

    Other than that, the 30 day shred video has been pretty good and each exercise is only 20 minutes long (but they aren't easy!).