Need Suggestions PLEASE!

wildcard29 Posts: 322 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I can't stop snacking on all the crap in front of me at work. I can only so no so many times. I bring healthy snacks in my lunch pail but its in the walk in and when Im behind the bar all night people are constantly saying here have a nacho. Take a slice of pizza. You have to have some of this. Grrrr any suggestions cause I have been battling this since I started this site over a year ago. When I say no all night I feel like I'm starving and my snacks aren't enough cause I'm craving that crap that was in my face!


  • Helent26
    Helent26 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi, it does sound really hard, because the more people are asking you and the more food you see it makes you feel hungry because you're thinking 'OOh that looks nice, but i can't have it because i'm dieting' then it just makes u wanna grab it and shovel it down quick!! I'm the same can only say no so many times & when it's under my nose there's nothing that can stop me munchin lol. I suggest that you say to your work colleagues that you appreciate that they don't want to leave you, and that's why they offer, but could they just leave it up to you - if you want some you'll get some. Let them know how much they'll be helping you and how much you would appreciate it. They only other thing i could suggest would be to make yourself busy to take your mind off it, until they've finished - leave the room, go the toilet, phone somebody who is supportive, play a game on your mobile, even. Hope this helps and good luck :flowerforyou:
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Ou! tough one... I would change lifestyles. From your post, I would assume you're a bartender? Or just use the good 'ol mind over matter. It's what you're telling yourself about this crap in front of you that's permitting you to 'cave' - change your attitude about that sort of food (maybe documenting how you feel after you eat the crap)?
  • wildcard29
    wildcard29 Posts: 322 Member
    It's not the people I work with it's my customers...I'm a bartender. I work alone behind the bar doing 10 hour shifts!
  • JoyJulRay
    JoyJulRay Posts: 99 Member
    I know what you mean, there is so much food at my job too. There are a lot of events at work and food is brought in by the truck loads. Hard to say NO to FREE and very GOOD food. Im a housekeeper so I just stay off the floor with the parties till the even is over. Still had tho, cause you can smell the food in the whole building. Good luck...
  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member
    I can imagine that would be hard. I have a hard enough time resisting the candy jar here in my office, and it's not even that good of candy. Heck, I don't resist it. I usually have 1 or 2 day. Food from a bar would be even more enticing.

    My only suggestions are to chew gum or suck on some mints. Good luck!
  • Imagine that they've actually licked every piece of it!! Or didn't wash their hands in the bathroom.... I know it sounds gross, but maybe it won't be as appetizing if you think of it that way. Maybe??!!??? :ohwell:
    Good luck - that's tough....
  • JOY621
    JOY621 Posts: 71 Member
    smwulf, I like your suggestion.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Depending on where you work.... go watch the food being made (one time seeing the lard that goes into Cracker Barrel gravy and 8 years later I still can't eat it!) and/or make yourself a list of those foods and the actual calorie / fat content and keep it behind the bar or in your pocket. Remind yourself of how bad it is for you. Eventually (maybe - it works for me and any fast food hamburger) it will just gross you out enough because your first thought will not be temptation but of the nastiness in those calories and the quantity.

    Also - you say you bring healthy food for lunch, but end up caving on the junk. Maybe you are going for TOO healthy? Obviously super healthy is best, but super healthy + junk probably is overall worse than a moderately healthy lunch that gives you items to ward off the junk cravings later. So maybe you can have a salad and a little debbie for lunch, or you can do something like chicken strips with veggies and some peanut butter crackers .... or whatever... that last one is still pretty healthy... so maybe something more like - a more healthy pizza option or something which is not fantastic for you, but is better than a salad + nachos + pizza later?
  • wildcard29
    wildcard29 Posts: 322 Member
    Will give the gum and trying to imagine they haven't washed their hands a try. Never been a gum chewer. Once it loses that initial flavor I'm over it lol so any gum suggestions would be welcomed.
  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member
    Will give the gum and trying to imagine they haven't washed their hands a try. Never been a gum chewer. Once it loses that initial flavor I'm over it lol so any gum suggestions would be welcomed.

    I originally suggested the gum, but to be honest, I hate the stuff. Havne't had it in my mouth for over 20 years. ICK. Sorry, can't suggest anything there, but I've 'heard' that it helps curb appetites. I'm more of a mint sucker though, lol. I'd have pockets full of mints, and probably cavities after it was all over.

    Ha, sorry that I was a little help, but not much. :ohwell:
  • What about sucking a sugar free mint? And as well as imagining the customers haven't washed their hands, also imagine there are dog hairs on the slice of pizza/nachos/whatever tempting food you are being offered. I find that putting on lip-gloss stops me snacking as well.
  • I don't know why that posted twice - it must be my laptop!:blushing:
  • Curtism1234
    Curtism1234 Posts: 73 Member
    I think the simple solution is to keep telling the customers no thanks. After a few different times you say no, they will take the hint and stop asking. Tell them, no thanks you're on a diet.

    This would be particularlly helpfully with regulars.
  • I think the simple solution is to keep telling the customers no thanks. After a few different times you say no, they will take the hint and stop asking. Tell them, no thanks you're on a diet.

    This would be particularlly helpfully with regulars.

    The trouble with telling people you're on a diet, I find, is that they then say things like 'oh one won't hurt' or 'why are you on a diet, you look fine as you are' and worse than that are the diet saboteurs who deliberately try and tempt me into snacking by buying chocolate and acting all hurt when I refuse it. Yesterday at work, a colleague brought in some home-made carrot cake and was most offended when I said I didn't want any:grumble:
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    A sign?

    Thank You
    Cash works though!

    and put out a tip jar

  • wildcard29
    wildcard29 Posts: 322 Member
    Lol love the sign idea
  • I love the sign! I think the idea of a lil bad is better than all bad is a great point. Why don't you bring a back of skittles (your weakness) and everytime you say no pop ONE. So you get a reward for saying no to them. So gross yourself out with how their saliva is all over it and their nasty unwashed after using the bathroom hands. Then end it with a reward when you do awesome and turn it down. I'd ask Danny about the sign though! It's priceless :)
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