Needing Motivation: Tell me your story!

Hello, all! I'm just thinking and jotting down the reasons I'd like to begin my journey in losing weight. I came up with about 5 reasons and would like to share them:

1. To look hott while I'm still young: I'm still in college and want to be able to go out to the bars and drink and not worry about if a guy is judging me on my appearance

2. To not feel the constrictedness that I do in my own skin: I feel like I'm a bloated ball 100% of the time and am tired of seeing the stretch marks all over my body

3. To fit in with my friends and family: my friends and family are all fairly active and skinny and I'd like not to be the "big" girl in the friend groups and family anymore

4. To have more energy: My dream is to be a teacher for elementary school students. That requires a lot of energy and upbeat movement all the time

5. To fit into cute clothes and not worry about when my clothes are too small: I'M TIRED OF GROWING OUT OF SIZES. Shopping is the worst and I'm ready to fit back into cute cute clothes.

i'd love to hear your stories and see what made you decide to make the change!!!


  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    Oh, great topic! I'll follow your lead and write five reasons too.

    1. To stop feeling like I'm wasting my youth feeling fat and uncomfortable with myself

    2. To look good in photos! I want to take vacations and not cringe at the photo documentation :laugh:

    3. Shopping will be a lot easier when I can fit into medium sizes again

    4. To create healthy habits and KEEP them even when I've reached my goal!

    5. Generally feeling sexier and more confident :smooched:
  • Poofy_Goodness
    Poofy_Goodness Posts: 229 Member
    1. I want to feel good about myself.

    2. I want to be stronger/have more stamina.

    3. I want to set a good example for my loved ones.

    4. I want to look hot.

    5. I want to feel confident wearing any type of clothing.
  • jlgobert
    jlgobert Posts: 41 Member
    1. Retirement is many years away and I want to still be able to enjoy it when it does get here

    2. My daughter told me it was sad to see me so big

    3. I could not tie my shoes without losing my breath

    4. I want my wife to react to me with my shirt off the way she does when she sees Ryan Gossling

    5. clothes are just cheaper when you are not buying from the Big and Tall section
  • kbenderfoh
    1. Its my senior year. So i want to be able to find a cute dress for prom. And be happier on graduation.
    2. I wanted to be able to fit in cutier clothes,and actually feel comfortable. So far ive went from a size 24-18, pushing for a 16 :)
    3. I also wanted to get off all my medication. I was on medicine for High blood pressure, high cholesterol, slow acting thyroid, high blood sugars, type 2 diabetes. But went to the doctor and im not longer on any of this medicine except for the one for my thyroid.
    4. I wanted to be comfortable when i went out with friends.
    5. My main reason was to feel better about myself, i got tired of being called fat. So i made a change!!

    The reason i started my whole weight loss journey is because i was put into the hospital at the 17 with the possiblity of having a stroke. Thats when my world changed. I had tried everything i could think of. I tried diet pills, exercise, but nothing worked. So when i got out i started working out, and seeing results, and changed my eating habits. And i am currently down 72 pounds, and got about 120 pounds to still go. Feel free to add me on here! :)
  • momof3boys090808
    momof3boys090808 Posts: 69 Member
    1. I want to be able to walk into a clothing store and have no problem trying cute clothes on AND liking them on me.

    2. I want to be active with my 3 boys and do fun outdoor things with them without feeling like I'm about to die.

    3. I want to feel comfortable in my own skin, not be so self conscious with my husband. I want him to be proud to show me off to his friends and co workers.

    4. I want to enjoy my life while I'm young and able too..

    5. I just want a over all new life style when it comes to eating and excerpting, I want my boys to look up to me and be healthy themselves bc we all know I can't get my husband into a gym ;)

    I lost 50 lbs between weight watchers and here last year and after I got away from tracking and weighing myself the weight creeped up on I, back for good and determined to lost his weight and keep it off.
  • ataylorgardner
    ataylorgardner Posts: 203 Member
    I was diagnosed with Breast cancer at the age of 35. Five years later I am happy to say that I am cancer free!! Having excess weight increases my chances of it coming back so that is my #1 reason. To stay cancer free.

    2. to regain the confidence and self esteem I had when I was thinner
    3. To regain my energy to do the things I enjoy
    4. To set a good example for others
    5. To use my story to help encourage others along their journeys
  • Shynique37
    Shynique37 Posts: 66 Member
    I was diagnosed with Breast cancer at the age of 35. Five years later I am happy to say that I am cancer free!! Having excess weight increases my chances of it coming back so that is my #1 reason. To stay cancer free.

    2. to regain the confidence and self esteem I had when I was thinner
    3. To regain my energy to do the things I enjoy
    4. To set a good example for others
    5. To use my story to help encourage others along their journeys

    AWESOME FOR BEING CANCER FREE!! YAYY!!! Very encouraging!!
  • Shynique37
    Shynique37 Posts: 66 Member
    1. To avoid diabetes & high blood pressure
    2. To live longer & heathier to be around longer for my husband & kids
    3. Of course to be drop dead sexy for myself & my spouse
    4. To not have to shop in Ashley Stewart all the time ( no offense I love the clothes)
    5. To see people faces when I lose the 60lbs! (:)
  • stacijefferson
    stacijefferson Posts: 1 Member
    1. I want to look good in vacation photos.
    2. My two sisters-in-laws are drop dead gorgeous (and the nicest people you would ever meet).
    3. I have two girls and I need to model a healthy lifestyle.
    4. I got carded in Vegas and I want to make sure I get carded when 40 actually catches up with me in another year.
    5. I want to be my husband's trophy wife.
  • Shynique37
    Shynique37 Posts: 66 Member
    1. I want to look good in vacation photos.
    2. My two sisters-in-laws are drop dead gorgeous (and the nicest people you would ever meet).
    3. I have two girls and I need to model a healthy lifestyle.
    4. I got carded in Vegas and I want to make sure I get carded when 40 actually catches up with me in another year.
    5. I want to be my husband's trophy wife.

    YOU are gorgeous! & HIGH 5 to wanting to be the trophy wife
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    LOVE your reasons. :heart:

    Here's mine:

    1. To have a baby. I am over 100 pounds overweight, and being that big isn't conducive for me, or my future baby.

    2. I want to be able to shop anywhere, not just at Lane Bryant and Torrid.

    3. To be fun, and fit! Not lazy and sedentary.

    4. I am tired of feeling fatigued.

    5. To have better sex! Be more bendy and flexible, haha.
  • K1tt
    K1tt Posts: 37 Member
    1. To reverse or at least reduce my diabetes
    2. To be a good role model for my children
    3. To be able to do whatever I like and not be restricted by my physical ability
    4. To be comparable to my friends and not the fat one anymore
    5. To look better in clothes
  • Shynique37
    Shynique37 Posts: 66 Member
    LOVE your reasons. :heart:

    Here's mine:

    1. To have a baby. I am over 100 pounds overweight, and being that big isn't conducive for me, or my future baby.

    2. I want to be able to shop anywhere, not just at Lane Bryant and Torrid.

    3. To be fun, and fit! Not lazy and sedentary.

    4. I am tired of feeling fatigued.

    5. To have better sex! Be more bendy and flexible, haha.

  • ChristineOlivarri
    ChristineOlivarri Posts: 62 Member
    #1. to wear all the trendy clothes and actually like wearing them.
    #2. Get back to the weight I felt best at
    #3. My youngest daughter (shes 2) calls me chubby mommy, I would like her to see me in a different way.
    #4. For my husband to see me accomplish something I never thought I could do
    #5.Overall health, happiness and energy
  • myfuture14
    1. My health
    2. My self esteem,
    3. My self integrity
    4. My successful reaching of goals
    5. Ok fine, so I look hot in the skin im would like to show myself as well as all the neasayers I did it when you said I couldnt.
  • awak3ned
    4. I want my wife to react to me with my shirt off the way she does when she sees Ryan Gossling

    ^ LOVE this haha!
  • awak3ned
    > Be able to keep up with my daughter and be around as long as possible
    > Look hot / get fit
    > Get at a healthy BMI
  • PBWaffleCakes
    PBWaffleCakes Posts: 900 Member
    Five reasons for me:

    1. To have a better health record/make dealing with illness easier
    2. To stop the war with myself
    3. Stop feeling like everyone is judging me negatively when I walk in a room
    4. So I can climb stairs without losing my breathe
    5. To be happy
  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
    Options a better example for my family
    2...more energy for camping and other activities for clothes ANYWHERE I WANT instead of big boy stores
    4...ride a whole crapper load of roller coasters
    5....train for the paraolympics