Cycling and Yoga


So far I've been doing only yoga for my exercise, but recently I decided and bought a stationary bike to add to my workout schedule. My dilemma is the schedule I'm supposed to take. I don't want to stop doing yoga, but I'm also a mother of 2 small kids and maximum time I can have on my schedule for exercise is 1 hour a day, 5 days a week.

So far the yoga I was doing gave me really good results, my stomach is getting smaller, arms and upper legs start to gain muscle as well, while eating everything in moderation, without major calorie cuts, and this is what I have been doing so far, every day:

1. Beginner Mobility Yoga as warm-up - 8 minutes from 3 Hours Essential Guide to Yoga
2. 6 Sun Salutations as warm-up
3. Power Yoga - 20 minutes from 3 Hours Essential Guide to Yoga
4. Anthony Carillo's Iron Yoga - 15 minutes with two 3kg dumbbells
5. Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown - 10-15 minutes

So my question is, shall I arrange my schedule into let's say, Monday Yoga, Tuesday cycling, Wednesday Yoga, Thursday cycling etc, one hour a day? Or shall I cut some yoga into half hour, and do the rest half hour cycling instead? And if so, which yoga shall I discard? Is warm-up necessary?

Thanks in advance.

PS: My diary is open, but I haven't logged in a while, due to lack of time, but I've been here long enough to remember the calories of my foods, and I'm not that much obsessed with weight loss anymore, I'm more into toning, muscle and overall health.


  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    try yoga one day and cycle the next for awile
  • Thanks, that sounds good. I did my one hour yoga yesterday, so today as per your advice I did one hour of cycling at low pace. I loved it!

    Doing both things on different days will probably keep me from getting bored as well.