
Hi everyone! I just found out I'm pregnant... and I'm a bit confused.
Because of *reasons* my doctors advised me to stop exercising. The only thing I can do now is walk for 30 minutes.
The thing is... I forgot to ask her about calories and food and my appointment with the midwife is only in 10 days.
So, I'm vegetarian and usually eat around 1000-1200 calories. My question here is how many calories should I be eating now ? Since I'm vegetarian are there certain things that I should be eating more of?
Any other information would be really helpful ^^
Thank you <3


  • BunBun85
    BunBun85 Posts: 246 Member
    Pregnancy calories are individualized. It's best to just talk to your doctor about it. I was told in my 1st trimester I could continue to eat a deficit, 1500 calories and everything would be fine, in my 2nd trimester I was told I could continue to eat at a deficit with an extra 300 calories if I was hungry. More often than not I hit that 1800 calorie mark no problem. I'm in the 3rd trimester now and have a growth scan on Friday so my nutritionist will advise me on calorie intake again. Just keep on with keeping on, eat when you're hungry, don't stress and hit your midwife up for info at your appointment. =) Good luck!
  • lin826
    lin826 Posts: 1 Member

    I think the best thing to do is to eat when you are hungry. Your hunger will change throughout and as you grow. obviously towards the end you may be eating a little more. I've read somewhere that you only need an extra 200 cals per day when pregnant but dont know if its true. Just continue to eat healthily and when you feel like it. I'm not to clued up on vegetarian diets, but i would say make sure you eat lots of iron and calcium rich foods like spinach as even non-veggies have problems keeping these levels up.

    congrats again, hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months x
  • candirose69
    it would also be a good idea to see a dietician as they might have a better idea of what vegetarian foods you should be eating. My friend is in the process of doign this as she is trying to get preg and is a vegetarian

    Also Congrats!
  • bluemoonkina
    bluemoonkina Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks everyone for your helpful answers =)<3
  • Rachiepie6
    Rachiepie6 Posts: 423 Member

    Babycenter says if you're in a healthy weight range to begin with to eat the same in the first trimester, an extra 300 in the second and an extra 450 in the third. Your care provider will say something if they're concerned.

    As for the vegetarian, what to eat, as much iron as you can would be my suggestion. I'm sure you have had experience with that being a vegetarian, pregancy will deplete your iron more than usual.

    I majorly agree with eat when hungry, your body will tell you what it needs.