Not able to handle a cheat day - someone help me relax...



  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    One of the problems I see is your using the word 'Cheat'. What are you cheating against? As far as I see what you are doing is eating generally within your calorie goals which is what you do everyday. So why is it different that it's a Macdonalds? You want to do this long term you wish to keep the weight off so day to day we all don't eat 'Healthy' food all of the time. The way to make it work is to be able to occasionally have things like McD without stressing about it. I look at my Calorie allowance as a guide it's not set in stone if I occasionally go over that's fine because the majority of the time I'm under. One day wont destroy months or weeks of hard work

    You need to work on your mindset otherwise long term you will struggle. We all live in the real world and sometimes the occasional McD or whatever floats your boat is fine. What is important is what you are doing consistently and how you can sustain it. You do not have a 'Cheat' meal you just have a meal. It's all food in the end lableling foods with terms such as cheat or good and bad just leads to problems.
    Couldn't have put it better myself!