Working Mom Trying to Lose 15 pounds

Hi, I've been at this calorie counting thing for about a week now. The first few days were aboslutely terrible! I didn't realize how much junk I was eating until I started paying attention to everything that goes into my mouth. It was like I was going through withdrawal...I would get hungry with hours to go before my next meal (even with having a snack) and the hunger pains were unbearable. My mouth would water at the thought of anything baked and indulgent. This has been a true test of my will power. I work in a department of all women...and most of those women love to bake. I appreciate their willingness to share everything, but come on already! (said with a kidding tone...). I have a serious sweet tooth and it would take everything in me to pass up the cookies and peanut butter balls. I have found that drinking hot tea (no sweetner) helps to curb my appetite and I would also drink water anytime I felt the temptation creep in. I have more energy and have been in a better mood since I have altered my eating habits...I'm justing hoping all of this effort pays off when I step on the scale again (ours broke this weekend while my 20 month old son was trying to weigh himself so now I need to buy a replacement).

Now on to my challenges... a question for other working moms. My schedule is already jammed back with day care drop offs, working 8+ hours a day, day care pick-up, preparing meals, and making time to spend with my son and husband. When is there time to work out? Especially during these working month? I took my first Bikram yoga (hot yoga) class on Saturday mornining and loved it. The only downside is that the class is 90 minutes, which is a huge chunk of time out of my weekend. You I write this, I started thinking to myself...."stop making excuses for not finding time". I'm realizing that there are things I can do at home that would not require me to leave my house. And it's ok for me to take 90 minutes for myself to take a yoga class.... so, really, I don't have any questions... I think I just solved my own problem.

So, to any other working moms out there...any bits of encouragement are greatly appreciated and I hope you're also finding some type of success!


  • saradord
    saradord Posts: 129
    I hear ya Im in the same boat I try to go to the gym when the kids go to bed , its close to my house so thats a bonus, also I try to squeeze in exercise at home tooo, like the 30 day challenge, which is 30 squats 30 burpees , 30 crunches, it just gives me that extra boost, good luck and just take a day at a time !!:smile: