What's everyone eating???

tishonamarie Posts: 46 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
I am currently eating around 1600 calories a day. I'm curious to know what food you all are eating in a typical day. What do you eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack?



  • missboriken
    missboriken Posts: 52 Member
    Averaging 1200 (sometimes more, sometimes less). My diary is public.
  • ashtonscoggins
    ashtonscoggins Posts: 105 Member
    If you can see my food diary look at it. NOT saying you should follow it lol. But I seem to be eating alot and still staying on calorie count here are some examples:

    breakfast: cheerios or rice crispies with fresh fruit like blue berries and cheerios mmm or strawberries and rice crispies. Or yougert and boiled eggs mm

    lunch: tuna salad, cottage cheese and fresh fruit, fresh veggies like carrots,celery and broccili, peanut butter sandwiches

    dinner: turkey burgers, fresh green beans, baked chicken, corn, turkey spagghetti

    desserts: ive gotten into baking fruit! baked apples and peaches with a little bit of brown sugar and cinnamon. or fresh fruit with cool whip

    snacks: i love string cheese (weight watchers), laughing cow cheese on nabiscos flat bread crackers its 60 calories for two but they are long and GOOD, sun flower seeds, nuts

    I know im leaving some goodies out but this is a start on what I snack on
  • misspenny762
    misspenny762 Posts: 279 Member
    My food diary is public, you're welcome to check it out :]
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    My goal is 1740. I eat between 1200 and 1700 a day, depending..
    Oh, and my diary is open if you want to take a peak.
  • 1200 calories as I am trying to lose another 30 lbs. Since I work and I rely on convenience food somewhat, a typical days is:

    Starbucks turkey bacon eggwhite breakfast or the spinach feta egg white wrap (280 - 320 cals)
    coffee with 1 tbsp light cream (28 cals)

    V8 (70 cals) or Sollouette Satisfaction yougurt (80 cals)

    Various Weight Watcher or Lean Cuisine frozen entrees (190 - 350 cals)

    Fruit (50 cals)

    4 - 6 oz of chicken/fish
    TOMS of steamed or brolied veggies!!!

    I actually find I can eat less on a non work day as I have more options. My diet is not ideal, but surprisingly I am still under my sodium levels and have enough protein so I am not hungry. I thin the key to my success is the protein. Also the water...I dont drink as much as I should, but I drink more than I like :bigsmile:

    I am losing 1 - 1.5 lbs a week which is a good amount so there is no yoyo starving going on. When I lost my baby weight I followed somethign similar and it worked and stayed off for about 18 years until I hit a very stressful 2 - 3 years where I developed soe bad habits. Back on the horse!:drinker:

    So...I hope that helps. :) I must admit I do eek in an occasional glass of red, but I always account for it.
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    For breakfast I typically eat yougurt mixed with granola, brown sugar, cinnamon, and apples or bananas. Sometimes wheat bread, egg whites, turkey bacon, and fat free cheese with a tomato all together in a sandwich.

    For lunch I eat random stuff ranging from soups to sandwiches to salads to lean pockets to sushi.

    For dinner I enjoy a big meal. Usually a fish or ground turkey dish with a veggie side.

    Then dessert is a 100 cal fudge pop, cereal, or some fruit!

    I average 1200-1500 cals per day.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    my diary is public but most of the time for breakfast I have yogurt or a granola bar, lunch sometimes a sandwich, chicken and rice , a wrap with hummus or a lean cuisine, dinner is usually chicken or pork loin sometimes with rice, salad and melon or stirfry, turkey burgers with corn on the cob and snacks are granola bars, rice cakes, skinny cow ice cream sandwiches, klondike slim bars, popcorn, this is basically it but it varies from time to time . You can do this, just stick with it
  • fitgirl4life
    fitgirl4life Posts: 111 Member
    I'm on 1200 as well....my diary is public, have a peek! I eat 5 meals a day to keep the metabolism burning. I must admit that on days I don't exercise I find it hard to stay within my limit!
  • Jennwith2ns
    Jennwith2ns Posts: 296 Member
    This is a "typical" day for me:

    Breakfast: Smoothie w/almond milk, frozen banana, 1 tbsp natural PB

    Lunch: Stir Fry veggies w/rice and a piece of fruit (or like today I had a PB sandwich with pretzels)

    Dinner: Varies a lot of course but tonight we had Brinner.. eggs, waffles w/sugar free syrup and ICBINB, and a peach

    Snacks: Granola Bar, Fruit, low-fat dessert (today I had a minute maid frozen thing, about 70 cal. I think)

    My dinners are usually whatever I making for DH but I switch up a few things if it doesnt fit in my calories for the day. Sometimes replacing french fries for salad, full fat cheese for lowfat/fat free.. that kind of thing.
  • My calories for a day are about 1400. I work out 6 days a week for at least 1 hour (tennis or boot camp). I eat egg whites with turkey bacon for breakfast everyday and sometimes I add in some low fat cheese to the egg whites and maybe a piece of fruit on the side. For lunch, its mostly a turkey sandwich on low fat sandwich rounds (about 100 cals) with lettus, tomatoe and reduced fat cheese. I have not used mayo in quite sometime and I dont miss it. I use mustard and I discovered possibly using humus on the bread. Sometimes I'll have a piece of fruit or a jello or pudding to go with it. I usally eat about 3 snacks in the afternoon (all low fat/cals) and for dinner its just about anything. I make sure to weigh everything and of course log it all here and lots of water. Good Luck!
  • try eating like a King for breakfast, a Queen for lunch and a Pauper for dinner.
  • My typical day consists of this-Breakfast-organic cereal with fat free milk. I have this almost everyday. On the weekends(either sat or sun) hubby and I will usually go out for breakfast which usually consists of 1/2 scrambled eggs, rye toast and sometimes 1/2 pieces of bacon with OJ.

    Lunch will either be a shake or turkey/ham sandwhich with fruit.

    Dinner will either be a shake or whatever I cook, which usually consists of veggies, grilled or baked chicken or beef, and some type of bread.

    I always swap out either lunch or dinner with a shake. This has helped me lose 7-8lbs in 2 weeks, with no exercise.

    We always eat in moderation and rarely overeat. The main thing our family tries to do is eat clean. And most of our groceries come from whole foods so that we get less fillers and aritifical ingredients. Definitely more expensive, but worth it to me.

    Hope this helps!
  • I just started but here is what I am eating


    Flatbread with ham, green peppers, red onion and lettuce
    whole wheat goldfish

    Ground turkey tacos with homemade pico sauce
    or turkey burgers
    or taco (chicken) pizza with pico sauce in place of pizza sauce topped with light sour cream, cilantro and lettuce


    Green peppers
  • tishonamarie
    tishonamarie Posts: 46 Member
    How do you make pico sauce?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    First, I try to incorporate a balanced diet consisting of low fat dairy (for the calcium, etc., but you can get those nutrients elsewhere), lean protein, at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables, healthy fats and whole grains. Then I put together meals that incoprorate those things.

    I'm lacto-ovo vegetarian and cow's milk and cow's milk yogurt don't agree with me these days, so there's one more thing to think about. :-)

    Generally, I eat a whole grain cereal (love Kashi Go-Lean) with goat milk yogurt instead of milk, almonds and dark chocolate for snacks, fruit smoothies sweetened by Peanut Butter & Co. Dark Chocolate Dreams, vegetarian chili, cheese sandwiches on whole grain bread, oat bran cereal, veggie stiry fry with flax oil, goat cheese and whole wheat pasta, a homemade chai latte with honey and light vanilla soy milk, vegetarian chili.

    Basically, I like to cook and I like to use whole foods as much as possible. You just have to be creative!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I am set for 1200, 30 carb, 40 protein, 30 fat. By doctors advice I am shooting for 1100 cals a day for now. Some days I make it, some I don't. I eat every 4 hours with the first meal about 2 hours after I get up (coffee first!). The diary is public, help yourself.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    My food diary's public - I'm eating 1200 cal/day plus 50-75% of my exercise calories, 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat. You're welcome to take a look. I'm proud of it, most days. :wink:


    I stick to a lot of fresh fruits/veggies, lean protein, low-fat dairy, eggs, nuts/seeds, whole grains, beans and healthy fats.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Breakfast is either a) Kashi Go Lean cereal and skim milk, or b) Naturally More peanut butter and juice sweetened marmalade on Nature's Own raisin bread. If I'm really rushed, I eat a Think Thin bar (all natural). Weekends I make buckwheat pancakes or eggs.

    Lunch is always organic ham or turkey and cheese on whole wheat bread or tortilla with lettuce, tomato and onion with vegan mayo and spicy organic mustard.

    Snacks are fat free cottage cheese, berries, grapes, carrots, etc.

    Dinner's vary, but tonight I'm making shrimp scampi, eggplant sauteed in olive oil, and fresh sliced tomato. It's about 630 calories.

    Dessert is an Edy's all natural juice bar.

    Drinks are water, water, water, water, and the rare non-alcoholic beer or lemonade thrown in.
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    Breakfast: special k protein plus (sometimes mixed with red berries) and non-fat milk. Sometimes I'll eat McCann's with strawberries or cherries. Sometimes I'll have 2 Eggo Nutrigrain waffles with aunt jemima lite syrup and smart balance butter.
    Snack: banana/apple/cherries
    Lunch: tuna sandwich/pb&j sandwich/chicken & brown rice
    Snack: cheese stick/apple/handful of blue diamond almonds
    Snack: protein bar/other fruit (strawberries -yum!)
    Dinner: depends. Not usually hungry. Sometimes it'll be just a protein shake. Other times it's a few slices of red baron lol. Most of the time it's chicken or steak and veggies and brown rice.
    I eat betwen 1100 and 1400 cals/day.
  • To make Pico Sauce I use tomato, green pepper, red onion, garlic, vinegar, cilantro and a tad bit of lemon juice. I like fresh jalopeno in mine also.
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