"Junk" Calories

I haven't lost weight in almost 3 weeks now. I weigh everything. I use a Hrm for exercise. I don't eat back all of my calories. My weekly average of calories is right on track. So, why am I not losing weight? I have been stuck at 184/185 since Christmas. I've analyzed my diary (which is open to the public) and I realize that I am eating A LOT of junk calories. I'm eating Special K bars 2 or 3 at a time. I'm eating chocolate (something I didn't even like until recently). I need suggestions on healthier foods to eat. I have a sweet tooth. So fruit is good, but I feel I need something else. Hmm... anyone help?


  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    I looked at your food and exercise diary. I think you nailed it with "junk" calories. I have to really limit my processed foods, or I get no scale movement. If you'll cut the junk, other things will taste sweeter and better to you. I'm a sweet-aholic, too, but if I'm eating right, and apple in the middle of the afternoon is the best thing in the world.

    Also, you might double check the calories burned for exercise. How fast are you running. Just make sure the numbers you are getting are close to accurate. They seem high if you are walking a good bit of that. There is a running/walking entry that gives you speed in mph. I think that one is pretty good, or at least better than some others. Unless you have a HRM or something that will give you a really accurate reading.

    Finally, I wouldn't count housework like cleaning in the exercise. I'm not saying it won't make you tired, but it can give you a false idea of how much you have left to eat.

    You are eating lots of good foods in there, too. Make a couple of little changes, and maybe you can get off the plateau! Good luck!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    A calorie is a measurement of heat energy.

    That's like saying I walked a mile today, but that last 50 feet was nothing but junk because I enjoyed it.
  • Greytfish
    Greytfish Posts: 810
    Unless you're quite petite, your protein intake is quite low. Your sodium is quite high as well. Your carbs are a bit high and moslty from processed or grain sources.

    I would work in some meat or whey protein, get your sodium back in range, and try subbing a salad or some veggies for your pasta sides.
  • christinemadden0223
    christinemadden0223 Posts: 175 Member
    Ya, If you are eating at a deficit, measuring your food correctly and measuring cals burned correctly you should be losing weight. I noticed you eat well over your sodium goal every day- probably sugar too. You could be holding water weight... Or sometimes plateaus happen and you just have to wait =) good luck!
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    This is not a diet. It is a life style change. Try eating cleaner. If it has a label, it should be avoided. Are you drinking lots and lots of water? Green tea? I have a wicked sweet tooth. I eat sugar free pudding and jello when I can't ignore it. Good luck.
  • jlneibauer
    Yogurt really helps me. I put yogurt on top of fresh avocado and oranges. I sprinkle a little cinnamon over it. YUM and I'm not a yogurt or fruit person. Also, maybe you should decrease your carb intake. I'm sure there are more carbs in the special K bars than you think. Granola bars of any kind for that matter. My body doesn't do well with carbs. Everyone is different though. But I'd give it a try. Also, popcorn is good snack if you make it fresh with coconut oil and a little salt. I has a salty sweet flavor to it.
  • Riemersma4
    Riemersma4 Posts: 400 Member
    In the end, it comes down to your Macros.

    While junk calories are not helping your overall nutrition, I suspect that you are off on either the true cals eaten or the true cals spent in exercise.

    I suggest that you compensate for that potential and adjust both by 5% for a month and see what happens. Target 5% less cals eaten and give yourself credit for 5% less cals burned while working out.

  • stacylorinobrown
    You are overshooting your sodium and carbs almost everyday. The sodium mainly. Stop eating the pizza! I love pizza too, but just say no to pizza for 2 weeks, even the smart ones brand. Are you drinking a lot of water to flush the sodium? It may be making you retain water as well.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    This is not a diet. It is a life style change. Try eating cleaner. If it has a label, it should be avoided. Are you drinking lots and lots of water? Green tea? I have a wicked sweet tooth. I eat sugar free pudding and jello when I can't ignore it. Good luck.

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    This is not a diet. It is a life style change. Try eating cleaner. If it has a label, it should be avoided. Are you drinking lots and lots of water? Green tea? I have a wicked sweet tooth. I eat sugar free pudding and jello when I can't ignore it. Good luck.


    Do you grow/raise/slaughter your own food? Everything food that is sold has a label. It is required by Federal law.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    A quite some junk calories during my weight loss last year too but I still lost weight. This is not to gloat, but you probably arent being completely honest with yourself in your recording of food/drink.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,018 Member
    This is not a diet. It is a life style change. Try eating cleaner. If it has a label, it should be avoided. Are you drinking lots and lots of water? Green tea? I have a wicked sweet tooth. I eat sugar free pudding and jello when I can't ignore it. Good luck.

    Hey, Ive seen lots of water with labels on it.
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    It doesn't matter if those calories come from pop-tarts or greek yogurt...

    Unless you're competing in a show for maximum body composition it doesn't matter. You have to be not tracking correctly. And why are you eating back calories you burn?
  • _jayciemarie_
    _jayciemarie_ Posts: 574 Member
    It doesn't matter if those calories come from pop-tarts or greek yogurt...

    Unless you're competing in a show for maximum body composition it doesn't matter. You have to be not tracking correctly. And why are you eating back calories you burn?

    In my original post I said that I track/weigh all my foods. That is an honest statement. I hate eating out, because I can't weigh the portions. At home--I weigh EVERYTHING. I don't track when I chew sugarless gum--but the amount per day is probably only 5 calories. I use a HRM when I workout. I workout typically for 65 minutes and even though I walk part of it, I typically complete about 5.2 miles in that time. I haven't paide attention to my Macros at all. That is one of the things I really want to focus on, but haven't. I don't eat back all of my exercise calories just in case my HRM is significantly off. I've lost weight consistently doing what I do---just the last 3 weeks it has stalled.
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Personally, I don't eat back calories I burn.

    Rather it's an off day when I do light cardio or a workout day when I lift.

    Also, I think it's every 5 or 10lbs you lose you have to re-evaluate your TDEE/Maintence calories in MFP or another calculator like Free Dieting Calculator (<--- Best I think)

    So, re-evaluate and stop eating back calories and see what happens.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    It isn't the composition of what you eat that's the problem with not losing weight, unless you're changed your normal salt/carb intake and are retaining water. Though, I'd recommend eating more protein to help you retain muscle. Taking you at your word re: weighing and measuring, I can think of one other issue that might be hanging you up:

    Have you lowered your goal calories as you've lost weight?

    If so, then just be patient. Weight loss isn't linear. A stall isn't even considered a plateau until you've not lost weight for about 6 wks. Plenty of people have had a 'pause' in their weight loss for weeks, only to suddenly lose a chunk of weight taking the average weight loss back to their expected average rate.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    If it has a label, it should be avoided.
    What food doesn't have a label? When I am buying food I don't want a mystery as to what I am buying.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,644 Member
    So, re-evaluate and stop eating back calories and see what happens.

    I agree with the first part and disagree with the second. If she set mfp up to lose weight, she's already in a deficit so not eating her exercise calories back would just give her more of one which could end up being too much of a deficit. Plus she's already not eating all of her exercise calories back.

    If you've lost weight consistently weighing your food, eating whatever junk food you've eaten, being over on carbs and sodium, and using your hrm for your calorie burned count, it's either....wait, has Aunt Flo come to visit?
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    I'm sorry but Saturday's quick added exact 2500 calories is a big red flag to me about your logging. You're not losing weight because somewhere, you are eating up your deficit. That's all I can think of to suggest. I just had oral surgery Friday and I've eaten nothing but high sodium soups, chocolate pudding and ice cream and I managed through to lose .8 lbs in the past week. While I think balancing your macronutrients is important, calories is 100% the reason for loss or lack thereof in weight loss.
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    So, re-evaluate and stop eating back calories and see what happens.

    I agree with the first part and disagree with the second. If she set mfp up to lose weight, she's already in a deficit so not eating her exercise calories back would just give her more of one which could end up being too much of a deficit. Plus she's already not eating all of her exercise calories back.

    If you've lost weight consistently weighing your food, eating whatever junk food you've eaten, being over on carbs and sodium, and using your hrm for your calorie burned count, it's either....wait, has Aunt Flo come to visit?

    MFP asks your activity level for a reason, and deducts those calories based off of the level of activity and THEN gives you a number. Sorry, but, you're wrong.

    If that were the case I would be losing weight (which I don't want to) instead of gaining lean mass.