Been on this for one week ...

Hi guys

So im new to this, i have about 4 stone to lose - disgusted to how i got to this weight but i did and now im trying to lose it!!

So far i have lost 3lbs in the first week, i have been doing slimfast, purely because where i work its so hard and expensive to find things to eat, i guess i just want a fast result - saying that, i know it will be very easy to put the weight back on when i do come off slimfast so at the same time im trying to introduce alot more healthy meals to my diet - fingers crossed!!!

I have had to give myself a realistic goal as i know i can't lose 4 stone at once so im hoping to lose 2 stone by the 17th March ... if i carry on losing 3lbs each week i should be able to reach this!

Tonight i start the Aqua Cycling lesson - it says you can lose up to 600 - 800 calories in a 45 minutes - i reckon it will be hardcore but i hate the gyms so this is the next best thing!!

I will let you know what i think!!! :)

If you would like to add me as a friend for motivation then please feel free - to know people in the same boat really helps and i know how crap you feel when your bigger then you should be and the insecurities that come with it!

one thing im really missing is bread ... I never realised how much i liked it until i stopped eating it!!
