Once you started did people follow you?



  • hauhaut901
    hauhaut901 Posts: 66 Member
    Girl , my family still thinks I'll die soon from my protein powders =D
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    I use to cook slightly different meals for my husband but once my weight came off he said he'd have what I'm having. He'll also go to the gym with me a couple of times a week. Friends, coworkers etc make noises about eating less and moving more but so far it's all talk.
  • Ben_Avery
    Ben_Avery Posts: 22 Member
    The wife and I started at the same time. It was good having each other to support. Combined we have lost about 240 pounds. I don't have any overweight friends, but they have been very supportive. The people I have met on MFP have been great as well.
  • compgeek812
    compgeek812 Posts: 57 Member
    I always get people who want to know my "secret" >.< . They get pretty insistent and upset when I maintain that its just diet and exercise. Apparently there has to be "1 simple trick pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know!" or an "ultimate superfood diet companies HATE"....
  • JojoEffeckt164
    JojoEffeckt164 Posts: 146 Member
    I have to confess that I did the worst thing what you can do when you dieting. I started missionizeing... Pretty annoying I would say. I was just so happy that finally a diet was working out for me. I wanted the whole overweighted world to know how easy losing weight with myfitnesspal was.

    People told me they would follow me when I´m under 160lbs. I´m under 160lbs now, lost over 14lbs, still nobody did really follow me. And that´s fine. I became less obsessed about it. I just do it and every week I´m happy about my weight loss. If people ask me I will answer, but I won´t missionize anymore
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Yes and no. Friends and colleagues want the results but most are still looking for the miracle pill and end up signing up to Weight Watchers and Slimming World, etc.

    I feel it's inappropriate for me to get on my high horse and lecture them about the diet industry and how they'll regain the weight once they stop going to classes and have to let them do their thing. Most people are not prepared to make a lifelong commitment to health and fitness.
  • daimere
    daimere Posts: 31 Member
    No. After so many failed attempts and restarts, I am not telling a soul except for a few people. I haven't even told my mom. I also don't want people to wish me to failure. Or be like "oh this won't work." I've been hula hooping for a while anyways. So if I get more toned/whatever, I can just blame that. I also just got a divorce, less stress = weight loss
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Girl , my family still thinks I'll die soon from my protein powders =D


    Seriously. Have not laughed this hard in awhile from an MFP post. CLASSIC.
  • jos05
    jos05 Posts: 263 Member
    I've had a lot of people attempt to start...
    I had a guy that I was dating attempt to join MFP... he lasted 3 days!
    I have had countless friends say that they will meet me at the gym... one showed up ... ONE TIME! And was there for about 20 mins... talked the whole time... drove me nuts! She never has been back!

    I get a lot of complements and lots of friends ask me how I do it... but no one has the internal drive like I do!

    I do this for me... not anyone else. I enjoy it... it makes me feel great! As for everyone else... they just think I'm nuts!
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    This is week two for me, I'm tired and sore from working out and slowly my friends and family are joining me in trying to lose weight. My mother in law (about 300lbs) is going to start exercising with me a couple days a week after she gets off work, and now my coworker/best friend has decided to buckle down. Apparently in the time since I've had my son she's gained the same amount of weight that I did in my pregnancy and is back to only weighing 5lbs less than me.

    Have any of the rest of you had this happen, where without even trying your at home support has grown?

    I had quite a few people ask me what I was doing, towards the end of my weight loss phase. Since then I know of at least three people who followed through and are now doing the plan I did (alternate day IF or 5:2). My husband also has lost some weight in the past couple months- he said he needs to keep himself sexy now to keep up with me :laugh:

    As for exercise, after I got a rebounder for Christmas my mother-in-law tried it out (she was at my house when I got it). She went out the next day and bought one for herself and now uses it several times a week :smile: I envision people becoming interested in what I'm doing more, once swim suit season rolls around. Strength training has been good to me :wink:
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Yes, BUT, when they've lost the weight they go back to how they used to eat, stop exercising, put it all back on and then wonder why. :huh:

    I'm still at it 3 years on.
  • kiroshino
    kiroshino Posts: 11 Member
    It's actually been the opposite for me. Since I started attending the gym regularly, my usual partner has stopped coming and has been putting on weight. My family has ordered fast food more often and have baked a lot of pastries, and they don't even know how I'm progressing.

    This would happen every time I've started or restarted my journey. In the past, I would give in almost immediately. My mindset has changed significantly this time around. I'm pleasantly surprised with how well I've been doing despite all of the temptations.
  • caffeinekandie
    Because I can't afford a gym membership my Dad offered to take me to his work in the evenings and let me use the gym there. And since I was going he's now working out as well. He's not eating 100% better but he's eating more veggies and drinking more water.

    Today my boyfriend asked me if I thought he could look like Captain America in a year. I said why not try. He asked me to look up what Chris Evan does and he seemed pretty keen on the idea. When he was younger he was really fit and I think he's wanting to get back into it as he's seen how much better I feel when I work out (though I need to stick with it this time).
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    My husband has moved from the calorie counting doesn't work couch to the well maybe I should do that stage, another year or so he might actually log in.

    My Mom is the one that has actually asked what I've been doing, she started tracking everything, and about 2 months ago went and bought herself a weight bench, 200 lbs in weights and a bike which she's been using 4-5 times a week.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    Yes, for the most part . . . but a few with that little snarky comment 'if you can do it I know I can!'

    Several co-workers have lost some weight and a few have put it back on with what appears to be some additional :smile: Yeah! I'm smiling.

    The person that I started this with recently told me he is at the highest weight he has ever been - he does not seem to want to see me in person so I cannot confirm.

    My mother has started paying closer attention to what she is eating and being more active.
  • jamiebxo
    jamiebxo Posts: 116
    My mum keeps saying she is going on a diet and is going to start getting back into exercise, she offered to do 30 Day Shred and Callanetics with me, bought us a new exercise mat and everything, but has only done Callanetics with me once and went on one dog walk, haha. A few of my friends and people I have on Facebook and Twitter have started, some have told me I was their inspiration to do so after asking me for some advice.
  • shalome36
    I am feeling encouraged... now I need to get my butt off the couch and work out!
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    My husband has moved from the calorie counting doesn't work couch to the well maybe I should do that stage, another year or so he might actually log in.

    My Mom is the one that has actually asked what I've been doing, she started tracking everything, and about 2 months ago went and bought herself a weight bench, 200 lbs in weights and a bike which she's been using 4-5 times a week.

    My husband actually has lost over 20lbs without counting calories/tracking, but he made some small changes in the way he eats and the weight just fell off :) Things like switching from regular soda to diet, not supersizing his fries anymore (which he usually eats every day for lunch) etc. Sometimes just adjusting things a bit can make a big difference!
  • irenehb
    irenehb Posts: 236 Member
    My husband and I started going to the gym together back in June, him mostly to improve his fitness and for me it was for fitness in conjunction with a calorific deficit to lose weight. Since than I have lost 27 kilos, nearly at goal and he has lost around 5 kilos but he didn't have much to lose compared to me. He doesn't count calories but since I do, I think that has made him more aware of what he is consuming.

    My mum who has a lot of weight to lose, has lost 4 kilos since Christmas, after seeing how well I've done.
  • FreshKrisKreash
    FreshKrisKreash Posts: 444 Member
    nope my mom would say, gee, you make me wanna get up and do that with you but she never did.
