HCG Diet? Thoughts?



  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Sorry Weaklink109 but you will likely not find a lot of people who support this "fad" diet. Anything that promotes you to eat fewer calories than your body needs each day, trying to tell you that your body will just automatically burn off your fat that way, is dangerous and misleading.
    Any weightloss that is done any other way but through diligence to eat "clean" and healthy and exercise is just a farce, a money grab for all those people who don't want to put in the work to DO IT RIGHT.
    I have a history of attempting all fad diets and know from personal experience that they are garbage. Someone who is overweight needs to relearn how to live healthy, how to not let food rule you, and how to get off the couch and move . . . any quick scheme is just that . . . a scheme meant to take money out of your wallet for their benefit, not yours.
    For the first time in my life I know that I will live a healthy and strong life . . . because I have completely changed my life not "bought" a "quick get skinny" promise from some company that is in the business to make money, not to care about my health.

    I need a "LIKE" button here! :flowerforyou:
  • LOL Some of you people are flat out ridiculous. While I am young, I know alot about weight. My mother is over 40 and struggles and has tried every diet under the sun so actually I know plenty.

    & To the one who quoted my reply, First and foremost, that was the first bad thing that i heard about the HCG diet so after spending my time on google, I found lots of facts about it that are hidden behind many pro-HCG diet sites. I don't care what anyone thinks, it is COMMON SENSE that HCG diet is pretty ridiculous. I am entitled to my own opinion and you all need to learn to respect it besides trying to change it because it isn't going to happen. I am far more educated than most of you probably assume. Most of my family was/is in the medical field so I picked up alot in my day. Not your average 18 year old AT ALL.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    :smile: Wow! are we "touchy" I didn't read anything (except all the hcg bashing) as being an attack or being particularly rude or uninformed. I guess as long as we follow the conventional 1200 calories and eat your exercise calories then we're okay. The minute people defend something else, we're suddenly "attacking"
    I just love it.
    Any HCGers forget this thread. People here don't want info. They want drama. I'm going home.

    Calling people jealous and ignorant is not being informative or helpful. Just so you know.

  • Nope, I won't, because I learn now how to eat healthy and how to treat my body with respect. I learn the basic things again. And I know I'm able to stick with it... for the rest of my life. The weight I lose now (no matter how long it takes) will sty off, because I'm in for a life style change, not for a diet.
    I'm really happy it worked for you. Honestly. And I know it's hard for a woman to lose weight after 40. But it changes nothing about my opinion. And you can believe me, I have done my homework about this. Everybody can do what they want. But I know it's nothing for me.

    I wish the same for you. I hope you are steadfast and strong. I can honestly say I said those same things. For you, I hope you are able to do as you say:flowerforyou:
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    :smile: Wow! are we "touchy" I didn't read anything (except all the hcg bashing) as being an attack or being particularly rude or uninformed. I guess as long as we follow the conventional 1200 calories and eat your exercise calories then we're okay. The minute people defend something else, we're suddenly "attacking"
    I just love it.
    Any HCGers forget this thread. People here don't want info. They want drama. I'm going home.

    It's not that we don't want the info... it's the fact that fad diets are a hot topic. It's like debating pro-life vs. pro-choice; you aren't going to change anybody's opinion and the discussions ALWAYS get heated! :devil:

    To each his own, I guess. What works for some, may not work for others. Good luck to anyone that tries anything to make themselves healthy; whatever method you choose! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Well, I've done it FOUR times - twice with injections and twice with drops and I will tell you that it definitely works. The first time I lost 35 lbs in 40 days and each time after that I lost at least 15-20 lbs.

    HAVING SAID THAT - obviously since I am still on these boards and still fighting the battle of the bulge - NO, it did not stay off. Anyone can starve themselves for a month and lose weight. The key is sticking with it and transitioning to a healthy diet and lifestyle after the HCG is over with.

    I love HCG I would recommend it to anyone who has first read Dr. Simeon's Protocol and educated themselves on it - my Dr. is the one who put me on it in the first place and like I said, I did lose a lot of weight. But if your problem is food addiction, this is not the answer because it's not dealing with your habit.

    Well said
  • TheNewStacie
    TheNewStacie Posts: 187 Member
    Wow, I definitely didn't mean to start a debate :-) But thank you everyone for your comments. I had only read a little bit on it and didn't know as much information about it, now that I've gotten more info I don't think this is the way to go for me, but I want to thank everyone for helping me with information and resources.
  • Jennyzfit
    Jennyzfit Posts: 175 Member
    I googled it and read about it. Seems un-natural to me. I think it may have long term effects. :grumble: Just use MFP and do a bit of exercise and you'll be fine. It's better to lose weight slowly than to quickly. Just my thoughts but I would definately stay away from that diet.
  • I have personal experience with HCG. I did it on a Doctor supervised plan. I did it for 3 months at a cost of $700.00 a month plus $20 per B-12 shot you had to get 2X a week

    I can say It worked, I lost 40 lbs...

    BUT...I was always hungry and I got so sick of the same bland food every day plus I was going broke. As soon as I stopped taking the HCG my weight went back on in 2 month's time plus another 16 lbs.

    I'm also a breast cancer survivor so when I did the research and found out that there weren't enough studies to prove that the HCG hormone WASN'T going to cause a reoccurance (because it's a hormone) I quit taking it.

    I think this diet is just that 'a DIET' it's a temporary fix to a much more permanent problem... unhealthy choices, lack of exercise and lack of portion control.

    I'm not saying that it won't work for you because it worked for me... it's just... at what cost??
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I'll throw my $0.02 in here and dispel some myths. First, the HCG protocol has been around since the 60's, so it's NOT a fad diet. Second, $700/month for the HCG protocol is highway robbery. My wife and I are both on the diet and our expenses are ~$150 for a 2-month supply. Third, before you open your mouth to say that "500 cals a day are not enough", please understand that you are NOT living on 500 cals a day. Anyone that says that has no idea what they are talking about. Read the specifics of the diet before you start spouting off untruths. If you are considering the HCG diet, search the forums here. There's a thread for people that are on the diet or considering it. Go there. Read the testimonies. Ask your questions. Consider the answers. Form your own opinions. Make an educated choice. But most importantly, don't let someone else's opinion sway your own. Opinions are like buttcracks - everyone has one and they all stink.
  • Regardless which side of the issue one chooses to take, my opinion is this:

    I choose HCG and am still learning how to eat/exercise properly. I have been maintaining for 53 days. I cannot tell you what will happen two years from now and neither can anyone else.

    It matters, not how you get where you are going, but what you do when you get there.

    Lose it fast. Lose it slow. If we don't learn to eat/exercise properly, we end up right where we started.

  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I would like to add my .02 also...............

    First of all, the HCG plan is far from being a fad diet. Dr Simeons started researching this plan way back in the 1940's and then starting implementing in clinics in Italy in the 1950's. It is probably one of the best and most thought out plans I have ever read about and I have ready plenty of plans..............

    I am on Round 2 and I was able to maintain my weight with little or no effort prior to staring this round. The diet industry and Big Pharma companies are all out to make money from anyone they can get it from.

    Since HCG is a natural occurring hormone, none of the companies can patent it, so of course the FDA won't endorse it............

    The MDs could probably do well with prescribing HCG to their patients. There's plenty of interest in successful weight loss programs. It's the pharmaceutical companies that wouldn't. It's a natural product and thus not patentable. They can't make a profit from it. From what I understand, the studies that the FDA used to determine that the protocol didn't work were rigged to fail. They did not follow the protocol exactly. Since there's no profit in HCG, there is little motivation to do the fancy studies that the FDA requires for approval of a treatment. There is plenty of motivation to create a study that will show that it is not effective. I suspect that is what was done. I will be publishing my results in my blog and will begin shortly. Even though my experience is really anecdotal since it is not part of some double-blind study, it does show that the diet has been phenomenally effective for me. I wanted others to be able to see that this can indeed work for them.
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