help?! 5'3 135lbs Pleateu? Can't seem to lose

Hi! So recently I have decided to quit losing weight by doing ultra low cal diets. My thinnest was 113lbs but I was eating about 500-1000 calories a day and doing cardio everyday(2 years ago). Since then I have gained up to 160 (last winter) and have lost back to 135-140lbs. I have gained/lost weight by starving/binging and purging and being very active. But I don't think I actually have an eating disorder because when I am in a good routine of eating/excersicing I don't have the urge to starve or b/p. And I am completely happy with my body when I am in the 120's.

So I decided about 2 weeks ago to do the Atkins Induction (I do better on a low carb plan). I've done it years ago and had great results - although I was 15 yrs old so the results came a lot quicker and I was running. The first week of Induction I was eating about 1400 calories a day plus walking - which I do a LOT of. I weighed myself and had no loss.

Then I freaked out because I am not used to 'being okay' with consuming this many calories. I have since then been going back and forth about how many calories I should be taking in and if I should be cutting things like Cheese and Bacon out of my diet -even though I am doing a low carb plan. In my past history I would aim to net 1000 calories. But after looking at many ladies calorie intakes on this website I realized that there are girls smaller than me eating a more calories just for maintenance. Obviously, my low calorie plan doesn't work for me because I end up back at 140ish lbs.

I am trying to get back to 115lbs but I don't know how to do it the healthy way. I'm just scared of gaining weight. So the last couple days have been a disaster for me because I don't know if I should up my daily calories or keep doing what I am doing.

It's weird for me to be okay with eating 1600 calories without feeling guilty and that I am going to gain weight.

Since it's the winter and I am too broke for a gym pass I have been walking anywhere from 40-160min a day. Until the spring walking is about the only exercise I will be getting. But once the spring hits I bike/walk a lot more and am planning on starting weights eventually.

Any advice about what sort of a regime I should be following? I feel completely lost right now and that my efforts are for nothing.

**If you look at my food diary don't take into account the last 2 days. - I've been eating like a crazed maniac