Completely new to exercising- need help and advice.

I've been dieting on and off since I was 16, so about 3 years now. Recently I've become more interested in learning how to tone up my hips, thighs and stomach. How do I do this? Is it a matter of mixing cardio and strength training exercises? How much of each do I need and any suggestions which work the best?



  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Deadlifts, squats, and some kind of clean. Spend more time lifting and less on cardio.

  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Cardio is great for building endurance, working your heart muscle (lungs, etc) and burning calories

    Strength training doesn't burn as many calories ......but INCHES.....great for inches. You can start off without weights (body weight exercises....squats, lunges, planks, push ups)......but adding weight, adds intensity (more efficient).

    Youtube, exercise DVDs,'s all out there.

    I like guided workouts ....DVDs. is a great resource for finding DVDs. Video clips & reviews help me figure out what I'm getting.

    If you don't have a specific plan, start cheap....figure out what you like (you'll do it more). Your local library, youtube, Netflix by mail.....places you can find info.