weight watchers

Lola7791 Posts: 85 Member
Do any of you use mfp but track weight watcher points? I would like to know bow you do it.


  • jenhenning219
    jenhenning219 Posts: 385 Member
    I do go to settings and I believe it's under diary not sure and set it to carbs fat fiber and protein then add them up at the end of the day
  • WannabeStressFree
    WannabeStressFree Posts: 340 Member

    If you do a search on MFP, you'll find many posts about this. Last one I saw it was 40 calories equals 1 point, approximately.
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    The WW boards will be especially helpful too.
  • Cara2708
    Cara2708 Posts: 3 Member
    If you have a smart phone you can download the myfitnesspal app. The app has an option for you to scan the barcodes on your food using your camera, which would be useful for weightwatchers meals. :)
  • Weight Watcher's points will essentially calculate into how many calories you are eating based off of those points. So you can manually adjust your calorie setting to your daily requirements.

    The points you get throughout the week for "extras" you will have to monitor on your overages on the daily calorie count.

    I started using MFP because I couldn't afford paying for W.W. but used this to track and then calculate manually on the W.W. paper log to make sure my calories were similar before going off W.W. completely.

    The difference here is that Fruits and Veggies are not "ZERO" there are calories associated with them, that will take up daily calories on MFP that normally wouldn't when tracking on W.W.
  • ksweet71
    ksweet71 Posts: 3 Member
    I am a Lifetime member at Weight Watchers, and honestly, I have to say, that I enjoy using the My Fitness Pal app (FREE!)... It is very similar to WW but no points.. just calories in vs calories out... you journal your food online, you can scan products for nutrition. You get credit for exercise. It works!! I still love Weight Watchers though... and the group meeting settings I find motivational nd educational... plus weekly weigh ins made me accountable... but WW points vs calories and MFP... much easier to focus on one or the other. I thought MFP incorporated everything into one nicely functional app.