I'm lost!!

So on August 8, 2013 I decided to make a lifestyle change. I started eating better, tracking every single thing I ate, and was exercising not much but a lot more than I was before. I lost about 17 pounds within a month. Nobody around me is very supportive or respects the fact that I am trying to better my health and I have slowly gotten back in the habit of eating bad foods. I have only gained about 2 pounds back but I don't want to gain any!!! I would love to be able to run. That is my short term goal. I want to be able to run without stopping for at least a mile. I am 5'1 and weigh 291.6. What exercises can I do that will be effective and won't burn me out. I am not very comfortable with a gym right now because of my size so I would like to stick to at home exercise until I have lost a little weight and am more confident. Any advice, motivation, criticism, or success stories are appreciated!


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I have the same goal and hope to get there this summer. I have started by walking. There are also programs like couch to 5k. I went from about 19 minutes a mile to being able to walk a 15 minute mile and am starting to jog short intervals now. Small steps literally. :laugh:
  • fitphoenix
    fitphoenix Posts: 9,673 Member
    I second the walking as a good way to start (easier on the joints the more weight we are carrying). A program like Couch to 5K will build you up in intervals walking and running.

    I also enjoy workout DVDs: I have loads of Jillian Michaels DVDs, which really push me, and you get some good bodyweight/small handweight workouts if you're not ready to potentially take the leap to the gym and "big" weights. Not everyone likes Jillian's style, but I really love her for her motivation, and I find that she modifies the exercises so that there's always something to do even if you're not ready to go hardcore, but there's also always something to build up to as you get more fit.

    I've also started using a few Leslie Sansone walking DVDs; when the weather is crappy or I don't want to be outside, this keeps me walking and not bored because she incorporates so many different steps. (Marching in place, walking up and back, knee lifts, kicks, grapevines, etc.)

    I just got a Fitbit for my birthday which encourages me to be more active all day long. (Trying to get more than 10 000 steps per day every day!) I've found that the Fitbit encourages lots of small changes. (I can pace a bit while waiting for the bus at the bus stop, can walk while waiting for my tea to steep, can march in place during parts of the film I'm watching, etc.)

    Basically, find something that you enjoy; if you don't like it, you won't stick with it. Continuing to eat healthy is very important along with the exercising part of living healthy. I would recommend taking measurements (and before/after photos) every month or so because sometimes, the scale may not got in the direction you want, and you'll need other indicators to help keep you motivated. It can be tough when you don't have a lot of support around you, but ultimately, the only one who can make this happen is you. You can do it!
  • chopper_pilot
    chopper_pilot Posts: 191 Member
    You will never succeed if you do not learn how to aim and achieve your goals, much less if you do not understand your goals.

    You must accept right now that you are going to have to educate yourself in order to learn how to advance and continue.

    If you only listen to friends and strangers, all of the advice will start conflicting and you will stay lost.

    Too many people run in and go crazy or do very imbalanced programs or use no program at all and just run their little booties off. Which is a great way to get plantar fasciitis and joint issues and lose LBM.

    Teach yourself, comprehend what you are learning, find a plan that works with your specific and detailed goals and follow through with it.

    But just asking others to do the research and explaining for you will leave you even more lost. You wouldnt ask them to workout for you, so dont ask them to learn for you.

    Pick up a copy of the New Rules of Lifting for Women (its not a lifting book, its a fitness book, before anyone rolls their eyes at the word lift) and read it.

    You will enjoy it and feel much better prepared.
  • Jewel0124
    Jewel0124 Posts: 119 Member
    Walking is easy and it works. Keep eating healthy. A 2 pound weight gain isn't anything to be alarmed about but try to stay away from trigger foods. It also helps to find healthy versions of some of your favorite foods so you don't feel deprived. I've gained 10 of the 25 that I lost so I understand your struggle. Feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck!