food prepping!

would i have more success losing weight if i prepped all my food in one day for the week? ive watched tons of videos on youtube about it..seems like it would be easier to eat healthier if i already had it prepared vs. looking in the pantry/ fridge and just grabbing whatever...............


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I don't know, would you? I've certainly done no such thing ever and pretty easily lost 40 Lbs. I just stayed in my calorie goals. I did a lot of pre-planning day-to-day but I didn't prep all of my meals for the week on Saturday or whatever. I'd think that would be a big pain in the *kitten* and pretty unrealistic.

    We do have a general outline of what we're going to eat throughout the week so that we can do our grocery shopping...but we don't prep the entire weeks food in one day. Besides taking up the better part of a weekend day, I like having at least one or two fresh meals daily....I wouldn't like just reheating stuff I made a week before for every meal.
  • sleepingtodream
    sleepingtodream Posts: 304 Member
    I like to have alot of produce cleaned, cut up and readily available. That way I can throw together a stir fry, make salads, whip up a veggie egg bake or at least have healthy options ready to go when I open the fridge. We try and make a large dinner on Sunday evening to get us through a day or two (roast or steaks) and then just have to make salads or a veggie after work to finish the meal. I wouldn't enjoy a whole afternoon of prepping or cooking because I agree with the other poster who said eating the same thing for days can get annoying. Maybe start small and just have a tentative menu planned for the week and have a bunch of produce ready to go?
  • fattybumclaire
    fattybumclaire Posts: 91 Member
    I would rather prep each day - fresh salad in particular goes quite limp and unappealling once cut. However, I often make large batches of things such as chilli, stew, curries etc so that I can cut down on prep time on busier days. Maybe try that instead :0)
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    I sort of prep my food for the week. I do bulk cooking on the weekends so that I always have something I can grab from the freezer that is pre-portioned with calorie count. I log (and pull together) all of my food the day before so that I don't come up against a time crunch and end up with junk instead of a meal. This works for me because I work 10 hour days and don't have time to cook AND exercise after work (if I still want a life....).

    Edit: I don't eat the same thing day after day because I have multiple types of foods frozen that I can grab and I mix them up. I could walk to my freezer right now and pull out a different entree for a full week and never have the same thing twice.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I would rather prep each day - fresh salad in particular goes quite limp and unappealling once cut. However, I often make large batches of things such as chilli, stew, curries etc so that I can cut down on prep time on busier days. Maybe try that instead :0)

    This is what I do. I plan ahead for the entire week on Sundays. I find some recipes, write down a "menu" for the week, make my grocery list, and go shopping. I put the menu on the fridge and that's what we make each day. This has helped me a LOT with staying on track and going out to eat less.
  • steffipaulina
    I always prep my lunches and suppers. That way it's constistant (which I like). And if you are ravenous after a workout or whatever you have something you can eat instantly without worrying about grabbing a piece of cake or whatever else is in sight.

    Plus, food prep (for me anyways) is fun. I do it on Sundays, it really doesnt take that long as I eat LCHF - so I'm making meat and veggie dishes.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If prepping food is hindering you from staying within your calorie goal, then yes, I would think you benefit from prepping everything early in the week.

    If prepping food is not hindering you, then I doubt it would help.

    Personally, I'm not a planner so I wouldn't have a clue what to prep. I rarely know what I'm going to prepare for dinner before I get home from work. But then, I enjoy cooking, including the prep, so it is help not a hinderance for me.
  • thistimewillbedifferent
    It's by no means a necessity, but it's a tool that many people (including myself) have found extremely useful. Every Sunday afternoon I spend about an hour, usually right after I get home from the grocery, doing things like making a pot of beans, making a big batch of some sort of whole grain (quinoa, brown rice, farro, etc.), hard cooking some eggs, cutting up fruit (canteloupe, pineapple, whatever I'm in the mood for that week) and portioning into one-cup servings, cutting up carrot or celery sticks and storing in cold water so they don't dry out, grilling some chicken breasts or browning some ground turkey or baking some salmon fillets, measuring out the dry ingredients for my overnight oats so that all I have to do is add the liquid items each evening, pre-portioning one-ounce baggies of almonds or pistachios or walnuts, roasting a few sweet potatos, etc. Sometimes I get more ambitious and make an actual recipe or two, but usually it's just ingredients that I'm getting ready. It sounds like a lot, but once I got the hang of it and developed a rhythm, it went really quickly. It's a wonderful feeling to open the fridge on Monday morning and see so many healthy options staring me in the face, and it makes it very hard for me to claim that I don't have anything I feel like eating, especially when I come home late at night and exhausted. No matter what, I can toss something together in a matter of minutes because I've already done all the base work. Now, I always feel "off" on the weeks when I haven't taken the time to set myself up for success. Best wishes figuring out what works best for you!
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    I spend about 3 hours on one day to prep most of my food for the week (chicken, beans, rice, and veggies) and it saves me about 30 minutes to an hour every day. It also ensures that I always have clean food that I can eat right away, so if I'm tired/starving/lazy, I can still eat a good meal. In other words, I totally recommend it!!! :happy:
  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    I am a big fan of meal planning. Every 5-7 days, I make a meal plan for the week that takes into account my schedule and how much time I will have to prepare for dinner. With my meal plan I create a grocery list. When shopping I stick to the grocery list, I don't buy anything extra. I don't do all my meal prep for the week at one time, but my plan might have me doing extra prep a few days ahead because I am busy. It also relies on leftovers. For example, I made some honey sesame chicken in the crockpot for dinner last night, but I made a double batch so we can have leftovers tomorrow night since I have plans after work and won't have time to cook.

    Meal planning might sound like a lot of work, but I have found that it really takes away a lot of stress:

    - I like knowing exactly what to buy versus wandering around the grocery store thinking "what sounds good for dinner this week?" (That is what my mom does and how I was raised).

    - Before I got in the meal planning habit, I would come home from work and spend too much time looking in the pantry and fridge trying to decide what to make. Now I come home, know what I am having for dinner and don't stress about it.

    - Meal planning has also really cutback on the amount of food waste I have. In the past, I would buy food with the intention of cooking it but never getting around to it before it spoiled. Some weeks were horrible in terms of generating food waste (especially when I was in a CSA)!

    I always include 1-2 meals on my plan that uses mostly pantry items and ingredients that can be kept in the freezer for a while. Things come up and I have to shift my meal plan around.

    So if prepping all of your food on one day for the whole week works for you, do it! I at least recommend planning ahead.
  • WinningAt50
    WinningAt50 Posts: 35 Member
    I find that prepping makes life so much easier for me. I stay more focused when I know what I am going to eat. I stay ahead of my hunger and something is always ready for me . Every weekend I make my grocery list. On sundays I prep all of the things that I will use that week. I wash all my fruits and cook a few of my veggies like squash, zuchinni I boil my eggs, chop up my peppers, make homemade soup for the week ex, Vegetable soup, Chilli, or Chicken noodle soup. I have containers for all of my meals. I put them in the fridge and each night I pack my lunch and dinner because I go to the pool 4 evening during the week. I have lost 50lbs so far and the greatest lesson for me was the preparation peice. Once I started prepping I started losing more weiight. It really works.
  • megan1869
    megan1869 Posts: 166 Member
    Works great for my family!! Highly recommend!
  • LosingItForGood13
    LosingItForGood13 Posts: 182 Member
    Myself I prep at night for the next day so I take it one day at a time and also input my foods into mfp so can see how much each meals calories will be