I'm not vain just managing joint pain through weight loss

I live in France and work in London four days a week in what is now mainly an office-based job. Hoping to find and to give support to others in either of these locations.

I bust up my right knee when I snapped the ACL and damaged the articular cartilage some years back. I have gone from being very active to managing pain. I've had several surgeries but do try and follow my daily physio routines as much as I can without aggravating the knee joint.

Some years ago I peaked at 78kilos (172lbs or 12.3st). I know I will need further surgery at some point but have done my best to put that off. Controlling my weight has aided me greatly in this. I currently weigh 59kilos (130lbs or 9.3st), but am aiming for 56kg.

Not many people around me understand my motivation and just think I'm being vain. Whilst for someone at 1m73 tall (5' 8") my weight is ok, each pound less has an effect on my pain level. I read that due to the physics involved each pound lost results in a reduction of four times that amount in terms of forces through the knee joint.

The thing that bugs me the most is people who have no activity restrictions but do pretty much zero. If I could I'd be out on my bike every day or involved in lots of different sports.


  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,611 Member
    I totally get where you are coming from. I have a back issue and the less I weight the less it hurts. I totally get the activity limitations. I see people heading out for a run and wish it could be that easy but if I ran I'd be in pain for a week. My main source of activity is what caused my back issue but it is what I love and will never give it up.

    I don't live in France or London but thought I'd lend my support.
  • Rosie_McA
    Rosie_McA Posts: 256 Member
    I totally get where you are coming from. I have a back issue and the less I weight the less it hurts. I totally get the activity limitations. I see people heading out for a run and wish it could be that easy but if I ran I'd be in pain for a week. My main source of activity is what caused my back issue but it is what I love and will never give it up.

    I don't live in France or London but thought I'd lend my support.
    Thanks. I really appreciate the support. I do my best to be positive because I take the view that there's always plenty of people in a far worse place than me.
    One plus point in terms of weight control is that my condition makes it reasonably easy to stay focused on my goals. Motivation is not an issue!
  • CittiB
    CittiB Posts: 25
    I have joint paint in my knees, wrists, and back. On top of that I enjoying climbing and when you're pulling yourself up a wall every extra kg makes a huge difference, to the point where I'm simply not good at it. As well as building muscle I want to go from 58kg to 53kg and people think I'm vain for it too - hence I've turned to myfitnesspal!
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    I don't know why people think it vain sometimes. I've been accused of being vain during my weight loss journey, as well. It grows tiring! I so know what you mean about managing joint pain, though. I started out 200 lbs +. I constantly had bad knee pains. It got to a point where my knee would actually lock sometimes. I lost 50 lbs and the pain AND the locking both just disappeared. I was amazed at the difference it made. Once the pain went, exercising and being active became easy again. Now, I actually enjoy walking once more. And I've been considering buying a bike.

    So awesome to see that you're really motivated. Welcome to MFP. You'll find that no one here will accuse you of being vain unless it's in jest. :glasses:
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    Good luck!
    Knee pain (osteoarthritis) is my motivator too. It's either drop the weight (100+), or go under the knife (knee replacement).
    Down 35 now, and it has made a huge difference ... still some pain, but tons (pun intended) less! I know surgery will eventually be needed, but if I drop the 100+, I should be able to delay it by a decade or so.
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    I think it's okay to be vain :) But I'm also looking for pain relief via weightloss--I have a terrible back due to a childhood injury and being overweight only makes the pain worse.

    Congratulations on starting your journey! Good luck
  • Rosie_McA
    Rosie_McA Posts: 256 Member
    Thank you all for the supportive words. Sorry to hear that there are so many of you are in a similar situation.

    I know that at some point in the future a TKR is waiting for me so my aim is to put that day off for as long as possible. Avoiding such major surgery whilst attempting to have a half-decent quality of life is all the motivation I need for reducing and then maintaining my weight!

    I have to admit to a tinge of jealousy seeing all the running and exercising that other MFP members are able to do, but wallowing in self-pity is just not healthy. So my workouts are limited to exercising my willpower and doing what ever set of routines I can get away with.

    If anyone fancies adding me I would be only too pleased to send a friends request.
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    I have to admit to a tinge of jealousy seeing all the running and exercising that other MFP members are able to do, but wallowing in self-pity is just not healthy. So my workouts are limited to exercising my willpower and doing what ever set of routines I can get away with.

    Rosie_TG ... I do wish I could run as well, but given that I've walked off nearly 40 lbs now, and my knee pain is greatly reduced, I'm staying focused on the progress from what I can do, and not fretting over what I can't do. Hopefully, by this time next year, I'll have dropped enough that snowboarding becomes an option again. To strengthen my legs/knee, I've been doing balancing exercises and squats on a wobble board. I've seen others mention swimming, or even running in the pool. I'm sure there are some exercises that you can find that will suit you as well. Good luck. (FR en route).