Older Bodybuilding Pep Here.

Hey everyone, or whoever reads this;) I thought I would take a moment to make a quick introduction to the forum. I have a fairly long history of athletics from high school all the way to powerlifting, running marathons, triathlons and even the Ironman in 2000. Afterwards I lost interest in all of these and became very sedentary. Over the years I put on way to much weight and started having health issues. My doctors solution was to put me on more meds which I did but it was never ending. So I decided to lose weight on my own. I just watched what I ate and started easy walking and later started hiking with the Sierra Club.

As I started to lose weight I could see some of my old muscle showing so I started to lift weights again. Fast forward and I lost about 50+ pounds. I do basic weight lifting with a heavy bodybuilding emphasis. The only cardio I do is easy walks and hiking. Now at the age of 50, I'm interested in competing in Bodybuilding contests. That is the main reason I am using myfitnesspal so I can track my macros while gaining weight and make adjustments as the contest gets closer and I need to lose fat so my muscles will show.

Also, I suffer pretty bad digestive issues and working with a GI doc but not really getting anywhere so I will be looking for info on this subject on the forum.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.



  • DianneP6772
    DianneP6772 Posts: 272 Member
    My husband has had digestive issues over the years and now it is better. Not perfect, but much better. He has quit lactose. Any milk products, yogurt, cheese, etc. He uses protein powder - but gets one of the Muscle Milks that is lactose free. His doc didn't suggest this - as they hardly ever recommend anything for dietary issues! But one day he just said - i think i will knock out any lactose and see what happens. It helped almost immediately. So don't know if you have tried that - but you might want to give it a go. Or gluten?
    Another possibility.
    Good luck.
  • Giantkiller1
    Giantkiller1 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks Dianne, that sounds like a good plan. I've eliminated most glutens, most of the time but you know I like to eat a little here and there;) I'm looking at trying to eliminate all lactose. I seem to have the problem even with Whey protein so I am looking for other alternatives. It appears that doctors are only good at prescribing meds. We all need to take action for our own health like your husband did.