Stretch Marks



  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Time will make them fade, but they will never go away. Most women who have had kids have them. I wear mine with pride and rock a bikini anyway.

    ETA: As I have stayed lean my skin has slowly shrunk. I still have loose skin and I think ultimately to make it all go away I'd need surgery.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    Stretch marks will never go away, you have stretched the skin!

    They will go white/silver after awhile but I know that doesn't help! I can see mine and I don't really care... but I am sure a lot of people will post some creams that will help - shea butter, vit E, etc.

    ETA: skin shrinking back is genetics - as is stretch marks, and how much you have to lose. I think heavy lifting in the gym helps, as per the peeps on MFP. I had twins and was 280, now 157 and I just had a tummy tuck. But that was twins, being overweight, and the like. I had a lot not in my favor.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I'm down to a size 8, I'm still too embarrassed to wear a bikini. I have stretch marks on my breast, hips, thighs, belly. I don't even have children to blame. :frown: So I'm no help, maybe buy some over the counter cream
  • azdeha
    azdeha Posts: 58 Member
    As awful as we all seem to think stretch marks are...I have so many skinny friends who have never been overweight who have stretch marks. It's a natural part of life.

    They do tend to fade to silvery lines but if I recall rightly you can help them along while they're still red by moisturising loads.

    For the people asking about whether the skin tightens...that tends to depend entirely on your age, how quickly the weight was lost, and whether you've been losing through exercise as well.

    At 32, I went from 224 to 167 over 2 years and my skin isn't loose at all, but my friend lost a similar amount in a much quicker period of time has been left with terribly loose skin - she also lost all the weight via dieting with no exercise at all.

    And on a little unrelated note but also quite a helpful little tip - the dreaded cellulite can be gotten rid of by toning your legs and buttocks - squats and lunges ladies! Squats and lunges! The muscle will fill the fat out and reduce the dimpling effect. (not worded so well but I'm sure you get what I mean...think blowing air into a deflated balloon)