Gastric Bypass

Hi My Name is Val and I recently had the gastric bypass in Nov 2013. I wanted to know if there was any one that has had the gastric bypass that would like to chat about the experience they are having.


  • katjus73
    katjus73 Posts: 3 Member
    I had my RNY 8/12/14. I was just at the mark, but because of heart issues and some other things, my doctor and I decided this was the best course. I wanted to do the sleeve, but it turned out that I had a hiatal hernia, so I had Roux-en Y surgery. I had some issues at first, but it was things like whole milk or something that overfilled my stomach. I haven't really had a lot of that since. I have at a couple points, started the emotional eating, but I nipped that real fast. To cut myself some slack, I took care of my dad and watched him pass, so the holidays have been horrible in that respect this year. I hit the 5 day pouch thing but I still have some trouble getting my protein. When I don't get protein, my weight loss stalls. Once I get the protein going, I start losing. NOW the issue is where I used to be a workout freak, I am having trouble motivating myself. I still push myself to walk most days... 3-5 times a week. The thing is, I used to love doing those things. It's been since the holidays that I barely visit the gym, haven't been doing my yoga regularly, and some days, I just have no energy. It's not like when I first had surgery and my body had to adjust, but it's pretty rough some days.

    I did have issues for about four months with a herniated disk in my neck that flared up and was awful. I can't handle pain pill very well, but I got two of the type I can and acetaminophen and tried to SURVIVE. I've had this issue for years, but something kicked into it's highest gear and I had pain that was intolerable at times. Pain meds only took the edge off, but at least I could work out sometimes. Weight and cardio at the gym aggravated it, so I took a siesta from all that and focused on walking and yoga. Now, I need a kick in the hind-end to get back to where I was before.

    My starting weight was 243 pounds; current weight is 200 pounds (I'm working toward ONEderland!!!), and my goal is 140. 60 pounds to go. I have currently lost 43% of my excess weight.

    Anyway... that's my story in a nutshell, but then I've been at this a lot less time than you.
  • Urioste06
    Urioste06 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi ladies! I had my RNY in decision of my life!! The first 6 months after the surgery were rough with foods and EVERYTHING was gross to me that I once loved. However at around a year I was again able to eat almost anything I wanted again...of course everything in smaller portions though but this can be a very easy pitfall. I went from 260 to 135! I was getting a lot of complaints that I was getting too small! I went from a size 22 to a 6-8. My size for the past couple of years has been between 145 and has creeped back up to 160 so that's why I'm here to keep myself in check! Feel free to message me if you ever have any questions...just to give you an idea I lost 100lbs the very first year. Good luck and I hope you will have as successful an experience as I did! Just remember the initial year is by far the hardest...your next obstacle after a couple of years is then watching what you eat (at least that was the case for me
  • robertkinneyca
    robertkinneyca Posts: 3 Member
    Hello All, I'm RK. My journey was 527, I Lost 100lbs, before my lap band Surgery, with down to 199lbs, Removed it Gained most of my weight back, and had the sleeve, but it did not work for me, now I have the Bypass, and now 295 lbs, any suggestions?