Getting back into it!

I'm starting to get back into my workout routine and eating right. I really want to stay consistant this time and not give up! I have been to hell and back with my world of dieting and binge eating and I'm in recovery. Does anyone else suffer from this? What do you do everyday to help yourself stay on track!

I'm 21 5'11 and currently 170 pounds. I want to get in shape!

Hope to hear some replies soon!



  • Alliegeex
    Alliegeex Posts: 60 Member
    Hi Dallas!

    You can do anything you put your mind to. Everytime you want to give up, just think about how much progress you will make in three months when you do stick with it! I have also had some binge eating problems in the past and it's still an every day struggle, especially when I'm in college and I stress-eat, but I've found that when you reach that point where you are just sick of being overweight or out of shape, you'll do whatever it takes to stay on track. You can do this! Just keep your head up :)
