Let's be buddies.

Alright so keeping this short and sweet because I've been here before! I previously dropped around 30 lbs and a lot was due to some great people on here being motivation.

Back for round 2 to lose more!

I'm Dillon. I love basketball.. I coach it, I play it, and I'm a writer that covers it! I hate running and rarely do it. I'm not good at eating healthy food, I just have to eat less unhealthy food. I also want to start lifting.

I've got a Nike Fuelband if anyone wants to compete, and I also am going to start lifting soon and would love any advice.

Let's be best friends.


  • unchainedzulu
    unchainedzulu Posts: 44 Member
    i'll be your best buddie!
    me too, been here before, it worked really well. then i got sidetracked. now i'm back - the friends on my friends list seem to have got lost along the way too lol

    anyone can add me :)
  • wilkonator
    wilkonator Posts: 14 Member
    Great start man, sure let's be buds. I'm a new start but eager to meet new people and help with each others success. Up for invites, no bother! :)
  • 1LoveChips
    1LoveChips Posts: 260 Member
    Mate... I'm very new to the social element of MFP, but feel free to add me. Hopefully I'd be of some assistance :smile:
  • I'd like some buddies so please add me too! :) xx
  • unchainedzulu
    unchainedzulu Posts: 44 Member
    what is a Nike Fuelband?
  • whynot5
    whynot5 Posts: 266
    It's like the less practical, but cooler looking version of a fitbit and other fitness tracking things.

    Keeps track of your activity and shows you on an app on your phone. Also estimates how many calories you burn throughout the day and whatnot. You can compete with friends that have it.
  • what is a Nike Fuelband?

    a nike fuelband is another fitness styled wristband just like a fitbit, jawbone, etc.. it tracks some physical activity and awards "nike fuel" to keep you motivated to keep moving.
  • ooooooh I have a ki fit - same sort of thing! :)
  • if you would like to be nike fuelband buddies my screen name there is justcrystalxox im not super amazing with it so you can probably beat me regularly.. haha.
  • lilacghost
    lilacghost Posts: 17 Member
    I'd love new friends as well! :)
  • jenni_d1990
    jenni_d1990 Posts: 54 Member
    Feel free to add me, I'm looking for new friends who are highly motivated like I am right now! I'm working on losing about 60 pounds.
  • unchainedzulu
    unchainedzulu Posts: 44 Member
    It's like the less practical, but cooler looking version of a fitbit and other fitness tracking things.

    Keeps track of your activity and shows you on an app on your phone. Also estimates how many calories you burn throughout the day and whatnot. You can compete with friends that have it.

    it would be fair to say i dont have one then :P

    have only just come back to the MFP world, and i've never heard of a fitbit before - might do some googling after work. if only that burned calories too lol
  • ParmesanJon
    ParmesanJon Posts: 5 Member
    Added! Everyone can add me as well! Lets do this