Fenugreek for weight loss?

I originally got them to help increase my milk supply when I was trying to breastfeed. For health reasons, my daughter was unable to be breast fed so I ended up with almost a whole tub of them. I've recently heard that they can help with weight loss. Has anyone found it helped them to achieve their goal weight? Or even boost their metabolism (mine is so slow, I'm pretty sure it just gave up altogether a long time ago!) thanks :)


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I only ever used it for milk supply issues. I've never even heard it used for weight loss. To be honest, I took Fenugreek for something like 3 months when my daughter was a baby and I never lost any weight during that time... though to be fair, I wasn't trying to either.

    I smelled like maple syrup for 3 months straight... it was kind of a nightmare.
  • Brandolin11
    Brandolin11 Posts: 492 Member
    Nothing works for weight loss except figuring out your necessary total daily calories for you specifically (which includes the appropriate deficit) and then sticking to that. Period.

    No plant, no pill, no cream, no drink, no fasting program, no juicing program...nada. Only figuring out your specific calories and sticking to it.

    It's that simple. Hope that helps.
  • her1223
    her1223 Posts: 16 Member
    Actually there are notable health studies that find fenugreek as a substance to help control sugar levels. Doctors recommend patients with diabetes to take fenugreek. It's also packed full of fiber and if your following a low carb diet you are not getting enough fiber. Fiber equals weight loss. If you've ever taken fenugreek you also know the side effect of curbing cravings. So since our bodies gain fat from unused sugars and fenugreek helps control sugar levels that is one way in which it helps aid weight loss. Plus add in the fiber and there's another aid in weight loss.
  • arainiday1
    arainiday1 Posts: 1,763 Member
    what a great idea! i've never heard that but i wouldn't mind trying it if it helps! plus i'm breastfeeding still so why not lol