Stress nausea- how to eat enough to workout?

So when I am really stressed I get sick to my stomach and generally can't eat without it getting worse. I want to be that person who takes out her frustrations and stress through workout, but I don't feel up to a workout when all I have had to eat for the last two days is some ginger-ale and a banana and some candied ginger. My workplace currently has lots of drama and stress, when things are going well, I eat well, enough and generally healthy choices, but when things go badly.... I am working on dealing with stress better.. hence trying to work out instead of worry, but every once in a while it gets bad enough I can't eat and I get headaches from going up the stairs from lack of food, but can't keep much down. I have told my doctor about it, working on stress reduction techniques, but was wondering if anyone else has dealt with this?

Anyone else overcome this problem? Are there more stomach gentle but nourishing foods I am not trying? Crackers and bananas all day don't give me enough energy for much activity.