I need to intake 1200 calories a day but i'm not hungry

So i burn off 600 calories every morning by jogging and

few hundreds more with strength exercises (push ups, etc,...) for another hour.

But the mfp app says I need to eat at least 1200 calories a day to make my weight loss effective

I tried eating 2 hard boiled eggs, half a grapefruit, half a korean pear

but I felt full enough at my first egg consumption

And for lunch I ate 2 slices of tomatoes and boiled pre-marinated chicken breast + half a grapefruit and half a raw mango

That sums up at about 600 calories and i don't even feel like eating dinner

Is this bad for me? Just by eating the whole breakfast I feel nausea.

Is this effective on short time weight loss ? (2 months 30lbs)

Or either I just gotta force myself some calories as a snack or something?

+ I drink 10~15 cups of water everyday.


  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    What did you eat before you started tracking your calories and trying to lose weight?
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Yes..this is unhealthy. Your body needs good fuel and enough of it to function. At this rate...you are risking malnourishment and all the fun stuff that goes with it...like your hair falling out in clumps. Educate yourself...and take care of your body...its the only one you get.
  • kke2724
    kke2724 Posts: 12
    I actually never ate dinner usually
  • kke2724
    kke2724 Posts: 12
    Ok Thank you ! I'll try to force myself some healthy calories
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    Eating fewer than 1000 calories a day, especially as a man, is not a healthy choice. Not only does it become difficult to fuel your body appropriately at that level, but it also becomes extremely difficult to meet your body's nutritional requirements (macro and micro-nutrients), and at such a low intake, you risk losing muscle mass along with body fat.

    You don't have to eat only "healthy" food in order to reach your goals. You just need to eat food, which can include burgers or pizza or ice cream or whatever you like. You can eat anything and still lose weight as long as you're in a calorie deficit. There's no need to severely restrict yourself to certain foods or such a low calorie amount.

    If you're having trouble with your appetite and don't know how to fuel your body, you may want to consider seeing a dietitian who can give you more specific guidelines. You should also give this a read: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/912920-in-place-of-a-road-map-3-2013
  • WhisperingCloud
    WhisperingCloud Posts: 28 Member
    peanut butter, my friend. loaded with calories, not gonna give you that full feeling
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    Serious question, I don't understand how someone who is over weight can't eat 1200 calories a day. You didn't get to this point eating less than 1200 calories a day.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    You've hijacked your hunger signals and messed them up.

    Eat anyway. Within a few days you'll be feeling hunger again.

    Not eating is a really bad plan, and you'll just gain back whatever you lose.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Serious question, I don't understand how someone who is over weight can't eat 1200 calories a day. You didn't get to this point eating less than 1200 calories a day.

    When you significantly cut calories and undereat your body represses hunger signals as a protective mechanism. It's actually pretty common.
  • kke2724
    kke2724 Posts: 12
    Thank you for such a sincere answer !

    But I still don't have the brightest knowlege of this calorie deficit

    even if I researched a little on google.

    So my net calorie has to be a negative number?

    So If I eat 1200 calories a day I must burn more than 1200 calories to lose weight?
  • kke2724
    kke2724 Posts: 12
    Well I never really worked out hard and ate a lot if i can and felt like it

    and didn't care long ago

    which is why i gained lots of weight but

    I got to the point where I don't feel like eating much not because I wanted to lose weight

    And well recently I "felt" like working out but I just still don't feel like eating much and get full easily
  • kke2724
    kke2724 Posts: 12
    Okay ! I'll try that

    but will it be beneficial nutritiously regarding the fact that it's a butter made out of nuts?
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    Thank you for such a sincere answer !

    But I still don't have the brightest knowlege of this calorie deficit

    even if I researched a little on google.

    So my net calorie has to be a negative number?

    So If I eat 1200 calories a day I must burn more than 1200 calories to lose weight?

    In order to have a calorie deficit, you just have to eat fewer calories than your body requires to maintain its current weight. You can figure out your approximate maintenance calories by calculating your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) using IIFYM.com
    Once you know your TDEE, all you have to do is eat 10-20% less than that number and you will lose weight.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Thank you for such a sincere answer !

    But I still don't have the brightest knowlege of this calorie deficit

    even if I researched a little on google.

    So my net calorie has to be a negative number?

    So If I eat 1200 calories a day I must burn more than 1200 calories to lose weight?

    No, you have to include your BMR. So, Let's say your BMR is 1800 calories- that's how many calories your body uses just existing and digesting food, pumping your heart, breathing, etc. If you're an entirely sedentary person, then your activity level is ~1.2*1800= 2160 calories. So 2160 calories is your TDEE, it is what you need to exist, pump your heart, sit at a desk all day and get up a few times to go to the bathroom and walk to your car.

    If you eat 1200 calories and you have a TDEE of 2160 calories with zero exercise, your deficit is already 2160-1200=960 calorie deficit.

    If you add 1000 calories of exercise, and your TDEE is 2160, then your deficit is 2160+1000-1200= 1960 calorie deficit.

    Your NET calories should equal your goal. Let's say your goal is 1500 calories for the above example. Your NET is Food-exercise, so in the above example it would be 1200-1000=200 NET. You would need to eat 1300 more calories to achieve goal.

    You NEVER want your NET to be negative or even less than 1200.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
  • klskonord
    klskonord Posts: 1 Member
    Serious question, I don't understand how someone who is over weight can't eat 1200 calories a day. You didn't get to this point eating less than 1200 calories a day.

    I do. The way I got to 232 pounds was by eating a whole bag of chips, which was a whole lot of calories but didn't really fill me up. Now you do that for a couple months and you get really fat but that doesn't mean that you eat a whole lot. For example, I have push myself to eat 1200 calories a day and that mostly involves peanut butter, snacks that are high in calories and planning meals that are high in calories. But I still dont eat a lot. You'll find that vegetables are low in calories but really filling. Same with fruits and other foods. Everyones different, some people can eat a lot more than others. The fact that someone is fat, doesn't mean that they eat a lot, it just means that they been eating things that are high in calories.

    To get up to 1200 calories the day I would say the best route is to add peanut butter to your diet, if you're not allergic to it. Another thing that I use is I add chia seeds to my meals which add protein, omega 3's, Omega 6 and 60 calories for 1 tablespoon and you barely taste in any of your food. Protein is often the higher in calories, so I'd try to incorporate any lean meats to your diet and if you're vegetarian I would say the best is to add to any sort of beans; soybeans, lentils, black beans, ect. 12 almonds (unsalted) are 85 calories in total.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    If you're trying to lose 30 lbs in 2 months, you may want to reassess since that is a rather unrealistic goal. With 30 lbs to lose, choosing a 1 lb per week loss (500 calorie deficit below predicted TDEE) is more appropriate to start with. As you get closer to your goal, you'll need to increase the calories consumed since you have less fat to lose.
  • azdeha
    azdeha Posts: 58 Member
    If you're seriously struggling with eating (I know the feeling - sometimes you're just not hungry) my dietician told me to drink fruitjuice or milk. It gives you the extra calories you need without having to eat when you're not hungry.
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    So i burn off 600 calories every morning by jogging and

    few hundreds more with strength exercises (push ups, etc,...) for another hour.

    But the mfp app says I need to eat at least 1200 calories a day to make my weight loss effective

    I tried eating 2 hard boiled eggs, half a grapefruit, half a korean pear

    but I felt full enough at my first egg consumption

    And for lunch I ate 2 slices of tomatoes and boiled pre-marinated chicken breast + half a grapefruit and half a raw mango

    That sums up at about 600 calories and i don't even feel like eating dinner

    Is this bad for me? Just by eating the whole breakfast I feel nausea.

    Is this effective on short time weight loss ? (2 months 30lbs)

    Or either I just gotta force myself some calories as a snack or something?

    + I drink 10~15 cups of water everyday.

    As above peanut butter is fairly calorie dense. You could also try some rice or other starchy carbs. Or something like avocado or full fat yoghurt.
  • kke2724
    kke2724 Posts: 12
    Thank you for such a sincere answer !

    But I still don't have the brightest knowlege of this calorie deficit

    even if I researched a little on google.

    So my net calorie has to be a negative number?

    So If I eat 1200 calories a day I must burn more than 1200 calories to lose weight?

    In order to have a calorie deficit, you just have to eat fewer calories than your body requires to maintain its current weight. You can figure out your approximate maintenance calories by calculating your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) using IIFYM.com
    Once you know your TDEE, all you have to do is eat 10-20% less than that number and you will lose weight.

    Thank you so much !!