Hey there everyone

Hey there My name's Ceps Weston I'm glad to be part of the community. I'm a personal trainer and nutrionist and am passionate about helping others and that's why I joined up here, to help others find inspiration and knowledge to get the body they want!

My weight story? I was chubby as a kid my whole life. Did karate, did powerlifting and was always one of those big intimidating guys as a teen. Once I dropped the ego with just trying to out bench everyone I decided to one day go on a jog (which I actually don't recommend anyone doing anyway but this was my little ephiany) and I couldn't last 2 minutes...literally. I decided to lose weight and finally try and see abs hahaha. Was successful after a year and got down from 140+kg to 78kg. Did bodybuilding but didn't compete right after that because I didn't like what bodybuilding is which is dehydrating yourself and posing almost naked in front of judges who ultimately decide your fate. I grew tired of the gym and decided to train at home with nothing but a keg, dumbbells, medicine balls, chairs, and my own bodyweight. I'm happy where I am now and would like to keep getting bigger and stronger and I can say i'm on the right track. It's been years ever since I stepped inside a gym and it's been years since I've been able to maintain my abs.

I've been personal training and nutritional consulting for years now too, and love it but also hate it at times (like when fad diets come up and people always use lingo from a fad diet to try say they're seemingly better than anyone out there qualified) but this is ultimately what I'm passionate about and I'm sticking to it just cause I'm more alive training than anything else