Under Eating so I Can Over Eat?



  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    You will not hurt yourself. Look into Intermittent fasting (IF), it is something many people do so that they can maintain their weight and eat WTF they want once or twice a week. They are not dropping like flies as some would lead you to believe. Basically you skip breakfast and/or lunch and eat a normal dinner (or make up for what you skipped).

    For your 1200 cal/day allotment, basically you could skip breakfast and lunch, and have a piece of cake and a pint of ice cream for dinner and not be over your 1200 cals.

    Have a great birthday!

    While I agree, that may not be the best advice for someone with an eating disorder. That said, the information is correct and people can do with it what they will. I like to use IF for precisely this situation - if I know I'm going out for a big dinner (e.g., Christmas party), I'll fast throughout most of the rest of the day to save up the calories for dinner. It also helps remind you what real hunger feels like. :-)
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    This is how I eat and normally I'd tell you to go ahead. However, with your history with an ED I'd suggest not going this route. Enjoy your birthday, don't worry about calories and going over, and then move on. Going higher one day will not hurt anything, and in your case would probably actually be a good thing.