Advise please - calorie goal

Have I entered something wrong? It has set my daily calorie goal at 1660 but I am wondering if this is a little high? Is it possibly because I have such a high starting weight?



  • KatieMac1990
    No, mine did similar, I was given around 1500 per day. I've screwed my metabolism by eating once a day for the past couple years so right now eating 1500 calories is making me gain weight. I've found that I maintain my weight at 1200 so I am eating around that and trying to exercise 4 times per week, high intensity cardio and weights too.

    You need to find out what you can maintain your weight on and work from there. I'm working on 35% of my calories coming from Carbs, 35% Protein (more If i can) and 30% Fat (Mainly poly and monounsaturates)

    Depending on the state of your metabolism you may even want to increase it slowly. I'm going to add 50 calories each week and see how my body copes. It's so easy to just cut calories right down too low and drop your weight quickly, but your body will soon adapt and the weight loss will plateau. I've learned the hard way unfortunately. I've got A LOT of weight to lose :(
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    Need more info... age, weight, height BF% (if you have it) and activity level.
  • bridgieNZ
    bridgieNZ Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks Katie :smile: I lost 15kg a year or so ago then relaxed for a bit now I'm ready to do the next step my next goal is to lose 25kg. I'm all fired up and hadn't considered overdoing it might make this harder in the long run thanks for the advice
  • bridgieNZ
    bridgieNZ Posts: 113 Member
    Need more info... age, weight, height BF% (if you have it) and activity level.

    Hi age 36 height 173cm BF??? I think I'm relatively active? I work in child care and have started doing 1hr of treadmill and stationary bike each day.
  • bridgieNZ
    bridgieNZ Posts: 113 Member
    Need more info... age, weight, height BF% (if you have it) and activity level.

    Hi age 36 height 173cm BF??? I think I'm relatively active? I work in child care and have started doing 1hr of treadmill and stationary bike each day. Forgot weight 120kg :smile:
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    I think you will lose weight at 1660 calories.

    Give it a go and see how your weight changes.
  • KatieMac1990
    Good luck, I've got 34Kg to lose, so I feel your pain. I'm tiny so I can't even get away with being even slightly overweight. My dream is to be able to eat the full 2000 calories a day without gaining weight. It will take a LONG time but it will mean I can eat normally without worrying i'm going to gain 3lb from the occasional meal out!
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    I recommend reading this and also being patient...

    Good luck!
  • bridgieNZ
    bridgieNZ Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks all for the advice, I now think I may have been getting a little carried away :happy:

    I've been extremely overweight since I was a kid and had never been able to diet for more than a week!!! before giving up.

    After a year of keeping the first weight loss off I was a touch eager, as for the first time in my life this actually feels achievable

    Thanks again
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    When I was first starting out I could lose weight on 1700 cals and exercise. It depends on your starting weight. I ate one meal a day for years. The minute I started eating more AND exercising the weight came right off.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member

    I've been extremely overweight since I was a kid and had never been able to diet for more than a week!!! before giving up.

    Probably because you were starving yourself by eating too few calories. I would suggest doing some resistance training instead of focusing on cardio--if you work in child care, you're probably on your feet most of the day anyway. Using weights helps to maintain lean muscle (cardio doesn't), which is what burns the calories.
  • bridgieNZ
    bridgieNZ Posts: 113 Member

    I've been extremely overweight since I was a kid and had never been able to diet for more than a week!!! before giving up.

    Probably because you were starving yourself by eating too few calories. I would suggest doing some resistance training instead of focusing on cardio--if you work in child care, you're probably on your feet most of the day anyway. Using weights helps to maintain lean muscle (cardio doesn't), which is what burns the calories.

    Baa haa dont think ive ever starved myself lol. Thanks for the advise tho, I'm a little intimidated by the idea of using weighs and that area is full of athletic looking people, might be a good thing to try next when I feel a little more comfortable with what Im doing