Addicted to Whoppers very badly, any suggestions?

kitty55016 Posts: 9
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I appreciate any suggestions or thoughts you have on this.


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Being able to make decisions on what you eat is essential to losing weight
  • thik_nis
    thik_nis Posts: 23 Member
    try getting the jr... but only maybe 2x a week....and try removing the top or bottom bun piece...and no mayo! I like them too...but I only get the jrs
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    When I'm in the mood for a burger and it's not my cheat day, I get a kid size burger.
  • shelleyrose
    shelleyrose Posts: 12 Member
    Something I am learning, If I work out enough, or mow and weed eat enough I can do a 800 cal. meal once a week because I burned 3,000 that day. I may even have a Mike's Hard lemonade with my Whopper. But If I did not earn that type of a meal then I just eat the meat with no bun or one bun. So, you can have your whopper and eat it too if you plan for it. Good luck my friend.
  • have a junior whopper on a day where you've worked out quite a bit and have the calorie space to do so. don't make it a habit, but don't deny yourself either :)
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I appreciate any suggestions or thoughts you have on this.

    I'm not sure which 'whoppers' you're addicted to? The maled milked whoppers or the beef patties so here's a good start for the malted milk ones

    The others you might take a look at Food Matters, it's a video that's a good to see how our food is made. It turned me offa fast food right off the bat.

    If you're really feeling outta control of a food, sometimes it's easiest to cut back and often times even cut that food until you feel you can do without it. Then bring it back if you still have the desire for an occasional treat.

    Either whoppers you are 'addicted' too, it's likely simple carbs that you're craving not an alterted beef patty so the link might help you find subsitutions. Unless you feel you can cut them down to once a month a so and plan them in your food diary.

    Best of luck, it's tough at first but it does get simpler, I promise!!
  • Michael287
    Michael287 Posts: 17 Member
    BK Whoppers or malted milk Whoppers? Cuz I love malted milk whoppers!
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    do you mean the burger or the malted milk balls? either way, i'd suggest that if you are truly addicted to them, stop buying them! you have to be accountable for your actions, and the easiest way to avoid consuming garbage fillers you shouldn't be eating is by not buying it in the first place.

    instead, take the money you were tempted to spend on junk food and stick it in a jar, save up for something nice. you were going to spend the money on garbage anyways, so it's not like setting it aside for a REWARD would put you in a financial bind that stuffing your face with crap wouldn't have :wink:
  • Michael287
    Michael287 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks Becca....I needed that link!!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    BK Whoppers or malted milk Whoppers? Cuz I love malted milk whoppers!
    most thought burgers, first thing I thought was that familiar milk carton... :blushing: :laugh:
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    LOL I see as I was typing my response, others chimed in with the same Whoppers confusion :D
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I thought she meant the candy! :laugh:
  • AmenoKaji
    AmenoKaji Posts: 41 Member
    My trick to eating a hamburger and still losing weight and making it healthy.

    4 oz's of 96% lean ground beef/sirloin (roughly 150 calories)
    1 Arnold Sandwich thin (100 calories)
    A SLICE of nonprocessed cheese(40 through 80 depending on what it is), if you're having cheese, get something quality.
    Season to taste (a little bit of kosher salt, and black pepper is all I really need.)

    I have an indoor grill, so I toast/grill on that. Homemade burger made with quality meat, blows the heck out of a Whopper. I know soe people won't agree with eating like that but as long as you calculate it into your daily totals, you're fine. Meat can sometimes be slow to digest, so don't indulge, just have it in moderation. once a week, make it a treat, earn the burger. Also, take advantage of the natural creatine in meat and have the burger on a day you lifted weights. :)

    If its the burger, if its the candy ones. Find a alternate candy source, there are plenty of healthy treat like items. :) But ultimately comes down to your willpower.
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member

    The others you might take a look at Food Matters, it's a video that's a good to see how our food is made. It turned me offa fast food right off the bat.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :flowerforyou: lots of people are able to get along without the things they were "addicted to" day at a time don't eat them.....just because you think you're "addicted" to something doesn't mean that you are destined to consume them forever.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    do you mean the burger or the malted milk balls? either way, i'd suggest that if you are truly addicted to them, stop buying them! you have to be accountable for your actions, and the easiest way to avoid consuming garbage fillers you shouldn't be eating is by not buying it in the first place.

    instead, take the money you were tempted to spend on junk food and stick it in a jar, save up for something nice. you were going to spend the money on garbage anyways, so it's not like setting it aside for a REWARD would put you in a financial bind that stuffing your face with crap wouldn't have :wink:
    Celery Stalker?? I'm dying!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Wow, you have the best name ever!!!:love: I love it!

    I agree on saving the junk food money, it REALLY adds up over time and ohhhhhhh the fun you can have spending it on music for the gym, workout clothes, clothes that fit as you lose, all sorts of far more fun things than a sloppy burger! :tongue:

    Nothing wrong with having a burger once in awhile if that's what you'd like, it's just that when we use the word 'addicted' it typcially means out of our control (even if we feel that way emotionally), it's never been a fun food for me once I felt I HAD to have something. Ahhh most especially once I started on MFP and saw the lbs. drop off, food or fun, I picked fun!:drinker: :wink:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Thanks Becca....I needed that link!!
    You're very welcome Michael:drinker:

  • Becka77
    Becka77 Posts: 284 Member
    Quit buying them. If you don't have them you can't eat them.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    My trick to eating a hamburger and still losing weight and making it healthy.

    4 oz's of 96% lean ground beef/sirloin (roughly 150 calories)
    1 Arnold Sandwich thin (100 calories)
    A SLICE of nonprocessed cheese(40 through 80 depending on what it is), if you're having cheese, get something quality.
    Season to taste (a little bit of kosher salt, and black pepper is all I really need.)

    I have an indoor grill, so I toast/grill on that. Homemade burger made with quality meat, blows the heck out of a Whopper. I know soe people won't agree with eating like that but as long as you calculate it into your daily totals, you're fine. Meat can sometimes be slow to digest, so don't indulge, just have it in moderation. once a week, make it a treat, earn the burger. Also, take advantage of the natural creatine in meat and have the burger on a day you lifted weights. :)

    If its the burger, if its the candy ones. Find a alternate candy source, there are plenty of healthy treat like items. :) But ultimately comes down to your willpower.
    Yum, absolutely right, nothing like taking the taste home and recreating it and blowing the fast food one outta the water!! Because it always does taste better because we can use the 'real beef' and not the processed.

    Great idea to share!!!

  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Quit buying them. If you don't have them you can't eat them.

    Yep. A no nonsense approach.
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