
So, my goal is to lose weight, lower body fat % (currently around 22%).

I have altered diet and also work out regularly.

I wanted to know what vitamin/suppliments I should take to help with this.

Don't want to take ANYTHING that will bulk me up, just help burn fat/turn what I have into lean muscle!



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    if you eat enough fruit and veg you dont need any vitamins or supplements.

    and you cant turn fat into muscle
  • ell_v131
    ell_v131 Posts: 349 Member
    So, my goal is to lose weight, lower body fat % (currently around 22%).

    I have altered diet and also work out regularly.

    I wanted to know what vitamin/suppliments I should take to help with this.

    Don't want to take ANYTHING that will bulk me up, just help burn fat/turn what I have into lean muscle!


    squats and deadlifts

    no for real, I don't know of any supplements that will help that. Stay at caloric deficit and progressively overload your body in the gym. You don't mention not having results so far so I assume you are making progress. Just be patient. You didn't gain fat in a few weeks and you're not going to drop it in a few weeks.
  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    So, my goal is to lose weight, lower body fat % (currently around 22%).

    I have altered diet and also work out regularly.

    I wanted to know what vitamin/suppliments I should take to help with this.

    Don't want to take ANYTHING that will bulk me up, just help burn fat/turn what I have into lean muscle!


    The only way you're going to bulk up is to eat enough to support muscular growth and train appropriately. So long as your diet is rich in fruits and vegetables you don't really need any suppliments. If you really want something, I'd recommend going to and checking out their multivitamin called Adam's as well as a fish oil that is DHA with some EPA. If it advertises ALA then keep looking. I spend about $20 for about a 2 month supply so I don't mind. Even if I don't utilize all the nutrients in the suppliments, I notice a difference between when I take them and when I don't.

    Just my two cents...
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Nutrients won't help you lose weight. They may help your recovery, and help you train harder, which may lead to greater muscle gain or more weight loss but just downing supplements isn't going to help you. Eat a nutrient dense diet, based primarily around whole foods with mountains of fruit and vegies.

    When you find the secret to turning fat in to muscle, let the world'll be rich! You're only going to get more lean muscle by growing it. At a calorie surplus.
  • 1987SamScott
    1987SamScott Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks, I have changed my macros and diet for my goal and realise it is all hard work but just seeing whether there was anything out there that helps metabolism, helps recovery and also helps my body prepare for my workout.

    I flog myself in the gym now for 3 days a week - an hour each.

    Have seen the scales move and muscle define but if there is nothing out there just to help support it that's fine.