I need to lose muscle weight...how can I achieve this?



  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I honestly am confused with this. I started a statewide weightloss program/contest called Geauxlite Louisiana and they did a full body analysis on me. My print out showed that my muscle mass and fat mass was over the normal range. My muscle was just over so I don't think I need to lose much. I was told that I should bring these numbers down. We have our first meeting tomorrow and I plan to ask them to fully explain it to me because I dont understand it. I am considered obese so I do have a lot of fat mass too lose which I understand that. I am just clueless when it comes to muscles. Thanks.

    Don't worry about it.


    Obese people tend to carry a fair amount muscle (as well as fat of course) simply because there bodies are exposed to so much resistance during the day (given their weight) to conduct their activities of daily living. You results are not surprising.

    Follow a sensible plan which includes a suitable calorie deficit and regular exercise and you will be fine. I promise ;)
  • Greytfish
    Greytfish Posts: 810
    I honestly am confused with this. I started a statewide weightloss program/contest called Geauxlite Louisiana and they did a full body analysis on me. My print out showed that my muscle mass and fat mass was over the normal range. My muscle was just over so I don't think I need to lose much. I was told that I should bring these numbers down. We have our first meeting tomorrow and I plan to ask them to fully explain it to me because I dont understand it. I am considered obese so I do have a lot of fat mass too lose which I understand that. I am just clueless when it comes to muscles. Thanks.

    the last thing you want to do is lose your hard earned muscle and end up skinny fat….

    if you want to lose the fat mass eat in about a 500 per day calorie deficit and keep working out with weight to retain as much lean muscle as possible….you will lose body fat and look great….

    This. Seriously.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I honestly am confused with this. I started a statewide weightloss program/contest called Geauxlite Louisiana and they did a full body analysis on me. My print out showed that my muscle mass and fat mass was over the normal range. My muscle was just over so I don't think I need to lose much. I was told that I should bring these numbers down. We have our first meeting tomorrow and I plan to ask them to fully explain it to me because I dont understand it. I am considered obese so I do have a lot of fat mass too lose which I understand that. I am just clueless when it comes to muscles. Thanks.

    If your goal is weight loss......don't exercise just eat at a deficet...

    I personally would never join a contest about weight loss because there is no way I would win because I personally don't give a crap about the number on the scale.....it is a piss poor way to measure success (excuse the language).

    Lowering BF% with fat loss is more important for health.

    I think it would be great to have an above average muscle mass. Win for me.

    Most definately ask those questions about "getting those numbers down" and if they tell you to lower your muscle mass run away as fast and as far as you can...because they are idiots.
  • cecebrite
    cecebrite Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for all your replies. Thats why I came back to MFP. I don't plan to quit in April, this is just when the program ends. My liftime goal is to lose about 50 lbs so I'll work at it for however long it takes. Thanks.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I honestly am confused with this. I started a statewide weightloss program/contest called Geauxlite Louisiana and they did a full body analysis on me. My print out showed that my muscle mass and fat mass was over the normal range. My muscle was just over so I don't think I need to lose much. I was told that I should bring these numbers down. We have our first meeting tomorrow and I plan to ask them to fully explain it to me because I dont understand it. I am considered obese so I do have a lot of fat mass too lose which I understand that. I am just clueless when it comes to muscles. Thanks.

    your heart is a muscle... still think you want to lose some!?
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    This is something that comes up way too often on this site. It is not something you want to do.

    Just strength train, do cardio, eat at a reasonable calorie deficit and concentrate on losing the fat pounds. Strength train to keep as much muscle as you can. Did I mention you should strength train?

    When you're significantly overweight, you have more fat mass, obviously, but many people have additional muscle mass as well. When you lose weight the HEALTHY way, you're going to lose a little muscle mass along with the fat mass. The trick is to not lose on a 50/50 basis because the end result will be your goal weight with a high body fat percent.

    Strength train, do cardio, and eat less.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Big deficit and loads of cardio should do it. Bear in mind though that your calorie intake to maintain, one you've lost the weight, will be lower.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I honestly am confused with this. I started a statewide weightloss program/contest called Geauxlite Louisiana and they did a full body analysis on me. My print out showed that my muscle mass and fat mass was over the normal range. My muscle was just over so I don't think I need to lose much. I was told that I should bring these numbers down. We have our first meeting tomorrow and I plan to ask them to fully explain it to me because I dont understand it. I am considered obese so I do have a lot of fat mass too lose which I understand that. I am just clueless when it comes to muscles. Thanks.

    If they want you to lose muscle mass, ditch them. It is normal to have more muscles when you are overweight because you have to haul your mass around all day. Muscle mass is good and should be maintained as much as possible.
  • Homemaker57
    Homemaker57 Posts: 106 Member
    Don't worry, there is no such thing as an unhealthy amount of muscle. Seriously! Muscle is never bad for your health, that I know of. Yes it's dense so it might put you over some arbitrary weight limit, but your weight does not matter AT ALL if you are LEAN. Excess fat is unhealthy! Extra muscle increases your metabolism, helps prevent injuries, and is just the most healthy and natural thing in the world. :) Definitely ask them what they mean, but even if they say you need to lose muscle... just giggle and walk away. ;)

    Weight is neither healthy nor unhealthy. Too much fat is unhealthy. Reduce your amount of body fat, and don't worry about your weight!
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    I honestly am confused with this. I started a statewide weightloss program/contest called Geauxlite Louisiana and they did a full body analysis on me. My print out showed that my muscle mass and fat mass was over the normal range. My muscle was just over so I don't think I need to lose much. I was told that I should bring these numbers down. We have our first meeting tomorrow and I plan to ask them to fully explain it to me because I dont understand it. I am considered obese so I do have a lot of fat mass too lose which I understand that. I am just clueless when it comes to muscles. Thanks.

    Don't worry about the muscle. Just work on losing fat. You will probably drop a bit of muscle anyway while losing fat, but if you don't, and you lose 50 lbs and think you have too much, worry about it then.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    I honestly am confused with this. I started a statewide weightloss program/contest called Geauxlite Louisiana and they did a full body analysis on me. My print out showed that my muscle mass and fat mass was over the normal range. My muscle was just over so I don't think I need to lose much. I was told that I should bring these numbers down. We have our first meeting tomorrow and I plan to ask them to fully explain it to me because I dont understand it. I am considered obese so I do have a lot of fat mass too lose which I understand that. I am just clueless when it comes to muscles. Thanks.

    your heart is a muscle... still think you want to lose some!?

    I wouldn't worry about your muscle mass being slightly over....even in a small deficit you will lose muscle mass if you aren't actively trying to retain it.

    You've been on the site a while, surely you can see retaining as much muscle as possible is a good thing - don't buy into all that 80/90s crap about weight loss.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    This is where weight isn't always a great indicator - your body composition is much more important.

    Work on reducing your body fat. This is what matters! So what if you're "overweight". If you're in the healthy bf% range, you'll be all good, and look hot! According to BMI, I'm overweight. I'm not!! I'm well under 20% bf, but have a high muscle mass :)

    Lose the weight slowly, make it a sustainable lifestyle - something you can do forever is the biggest reward you can give yourself :)
  • cecebrite
    cecebrite Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks guys for the advice. I think I will just focus on lowering my body fat. I have so much to learn about all this. Thanks again!
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    I honestly am confused with this. I started a statewide weightloss program/contest called Geauxlite Louisiana and they did a full body analysis on me. My print out showed that my muscle mass and fat mass was over the normal range. My muscle was just over so I don't think I need to lose much. I was told that I should bring these numbers down. We have our first meeting tomorrow and I plan to ask them to fully explain it to me because I dont understand it. I am considered obese so I do have a lot of fat mass too lose which I understand that. I am just clueless when it comes to muscles. Thanks.

    Ok, just a suggestion but....

    When you are overweight, you have more body to lug around, so your muscles must need to be bigger than a healthy weight person with the same activity level as you. This means that some of the excess weight will be fat and some will be muscle. As you lose weight, you need less and less muscle strength to support yourself and move, so your muscles will decrease to the size they need to be for your level of activity.

    Anyone who disagrees with this, please feel free to pick holes in my logic!

    Based on this assumption, I would suggest you focus on fat loss and allow the muscle loss to come naturally. Don't give up exercise, in fact if you don't do any at the moment, take some up.
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    why, why, why :noway:
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I honestly am confused with this. I started a statewide weightloss program/contest called Geauxlite Louisiana and they did a full body analysis on me. My print out showed that my muscle mass and fat mass was over the normal range. My muscle was just over so I don't think I need to lose much. I was told that I should bring these numbers down. We have our first meeting tomorrow and I plan to ask them to fully explain it to me because I dont understand it. I am considered obese so I do have a lot of fat mass too lose which I understand that. I am just clueless when it comes to muscles. Thanks.

    You may be misinterpreting what you have been told.

    As many have mentioned above. Very rare and normally not a good idea to try and lose muscle mass.

    If you need to improve BMI scores? Start with a cardio intense exercise regime with a smallish calorie deficit. Try running. If you are not a runner? Look for programs like the Couch to 5K program or join a local running group that has a learn to run program. BUT! And it is a BIG BUT, once you get going with running you will need to do some amount of resistance (weights) style exercise. Running alone is hard on the body. It does burn a lot of calories. But it also causes a lot of injuries if you are not careful and have a balanced exercise program.

    Might be a good idea to speak with the person who told you that you have too much muscle and ask them to explain why and what your options are.

    Best of luck!
  • tattygun
    tattygun Posts: 447 Member
    I honestly am confused with this. I started a statewide weightloss program/contest called Geauxlite Louisiana and they did a full body analysis on me. My print out showed that my muscle mass and fat mass was over the normal range. My muscle was just over so I don't think I need to lose much. I was told that I should bring these numbers down. We have our first meeting tomorrow and I plan to ask them to fully explain it to me because I dont understand it. I am considered obese so I do have a lot of fat mass too lose which I understand that. I am just clueless when it comes to muscles. Thanks.

    Sounds like you need to run away from this Geauxlite Louisiana and fast. Stick around here, use mfp and learn. You'll soon realise why I've told you to run, it's plain bad advice on their part.
  • My_Own_Worst_Enemy
    My_Own_Worst_Enemy Posts: 218 Member
    So whats the goal? To look like this?

    a massive calorie deficit with no exercise.

    Ummmm... Usually to create a massive deficit, exercise or moving or burning calories (whatever you wanna call it) is needed, as starving yourself alone to create a massive deficit isnt exactly the healthy way to go about it.
    I started a statewide weightloss program/contest called Geauxlite Louisiana and they did a full body analysis on me. My print out showed that my muscle mass and fat mass was over the normal range. My muscle was just over so I don't think I need to lose much. I was told that I should bring these numbers down.

    Ahhhhhh. So now I see whats going on here. Ummm, you dont want to lose muscle, you kinda need that for burning calories (fat). A lot of people on here are wanting to build lean mass in order to burn more fat and here you are wanting to get rid of it? Blasphemous! Okay, well maybe you feel like you are too muscular, but do you only think that because of some computer printout? A suggestion is to concentrate on getting rid of your fat first (youll probably lose some muscle as well), and then re-evaluate yourself when you are done with this "contest".
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    I honestly am confused with this. I started a statewide weightloss program/contest called Geauxlite Louisiana and they did a full body analysis on me. My print out showed that my muscle mass and fat mass was over the normal range. My muscle was just over so I don't think I need to lose much. I was told that I should bring these numbers down. We have our first meeting tomorrow and I plan to ask them to fully explain it to me because I dont understand it. I am considered obese so I do have a lot of fat mass too lose which I understand that. I am just clueless when it comes to muscles. Thanks.

    your heart is a muscle... still think you want to lose some!?

    Unhelpful and combative. *sigh*
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    I honestly am confused with this. I started a statewide weightloss program/contest called Geauxlite Louisiana and they did a full body analysis on me. My print out showed that my muscle mass and fat mass was over the normal range. My muscle was just over so I don't think I need to lose much. I was told that I should bring these numbers down. We have our first meeting tomorrow and I plan to ask them to fully explain it to me because I dont understand it. I am considered obese so I do have a lot of fat mass too lose which I understand that. I am just clueless when it comes to muscles. Thanks.

    What kind of "body analysis" did they do? Was it a fitness, medical professional, that did this "analysis"? I wasn't even aware there was a "guideline" for too much muscle...:huh:

    I think I would run far far away from this. Whoever told you this BS should be high fived in the face! This probably takes the cake for the WORST body analysis EVER!!!

    Good Luck! :drinker: