I can't give up now but really feel like I want to.



  • Helenca76
    Helenca76 Posts: 125 Member
    Honestly, I love running, but sometimes I hate it. It never gets easier, you just get faster. That is the plain truth of it. It sounds like you just had a hard day. If you still want to run, just realize you are going to hate some days of it. :smile:

    This sounds about right, maybe today is just a cr@p day cause I'm aching, I just really wanted to be able to do this.
  • Helenca76
    Helenca76 Posts: 125 Member
    I completely feel for you! I signed up for a 10k at work as I wanted to throw myself into running as a fair few of my friends love running, they kept telling me to battle on and soon I will start to enjoy it...I never did, it really wasn't for me, I did my 10k (badly) and then stopped.

    I have now discovered that I LOVE cycling, really really love it and enjoy it far more than I ever enjoyed did running. I love spinning classes and have my own bike now to go out on wonderful long bike rides (when the UK decides to stop raining on me!).

    It's really about working out what you enjoy and please don't force yourself to run if you hate it. You have tried it and obviously given it a good go so maybe let go and discover what you enjoy :). As others have suggested, try some classes to find something you enjoy. Good luck!

    I love cycling too,
    I have friends that also told me I'd learn to love running. If it doesn't happen soon, will stick with my other exercise choices.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I used to enjoy running, but my varicose veins didn't. :cry:

    I suggest give it a little while longer (a week, maybe?). If you still don't like it, there are tons of other options.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Remember that diet is the most important part of weight loss so perhaps something there could use a tweak to get things moving again.

    QFT. OP, exercise is not really about weight loss, it's about fitness. If you're not losing, either your calories are out of balance or it's water weight from all the intense exercises you've been doing.

    1) Do you weight and measure your food? Do you double check the listings on MFP (many are user entered, old and inaccurate)? Do you log consistently (every food/drink you consume, every day)?
    2) Are you eating back exercise calories? If so, where are you getting your burns (MFP, some other site, HRM)?
  • rmkuffel
    I also hate running!!!!! My goal is to run a half marathon ... not because I really want to, but because my fiance wants us to run one together. I completely agree with everyone who says that life is too short to waste time doing something you don't enjoy. At the same time though, I appreciate that you are working toward a goal that seems out of reach right now (my intermediate goal is a 10k, and I don't feel like I could ever do one at the moment!) I don't think you have to reevaluate your goal if you don't want to ... we all have different reasons for setting ours, and I'm sure you set a 10k for a reason! I believe that you can do it!

    On a practical note, I started doing intervals when I run ... For example, yesterday I "ran" on the treadmill for 20 minutes ... but I alternated between a fast walk (3.5), a mod jog (4.7-5.3) and a full out sprint (7.3). I found it was easier than just running, and it was more interesting. Surprisingly, I felt good after the 20 minutes was up, not like I normally feel after just running at 5.0 for 20 minutes! I burned almost the same number of calories by trying to keep my average pace right around 5. I realize that its not super helpful in training for my goals, but at the same time, it is getting me more comfortable with running and since I don't feel like garbage when I finish, I seem to hop on the treadmill more often. If you're looking for something to do to try to increase your comfort level with running and not be miserable, I highly recommend some kind of interval training.

    Best of luck to you, I know you can get through it ... don't give up!
  • JuiceBars
    JuiceBars Posts: 78 Member
    I was NEVER a runner however, I started running for the challenge of it all a few years back. I certainly didn't have the desire to run a 10K but working towards running a 5K was an appropriate goal to set in my opinion. I started off slowly with the C25K program with a friend which I found very helpful for the first few times out. I incorporated interval running on the treadmill and intervals of fast pacing on the elliptical machine as well. It was very helpful with increasing endurance. Core training also seemed to make a difference. I worked at it 3 days a week and eventually did only one mile a day for about a month. Adding a few more minutes each time there after worked into being able to run a 5K. Felt good to reach the goal but now use running as a quick cardio session if needed. I have maintained my endurance by doing high intensity interval training 5 days a week for 45 min. or so. It is a way to get my cardio and strength workouts in for a total body session-great for my lifestyle. If you don't love it, change things up for yourself. There are plenty of other things to try! Make sure you are well hydrated, have eaten so you have the energy to put into your workout and get enough sleep to support your workouts. You can do it.....own it!
  • Helenca76
    Helenca76 Posts: 125 Member
    I'm with you on the hate running thing.

    I mostly think the PPs that advised not to run if you hate it so much are right, but before you give up, maybe try some other tricks to make it more fun. Maybe find a running club that has others at your level to run with. It might make it more fun.

    One thing that worked for me years ago was to start doing triathlons. Your training then can incorporate swimming and biking and not just running. I found that I could tolerate the running in smaller doses and I was motivated to train at it to bring that part up to par with my swimming and cycling. Also, the sprint triathlons only have a 5K run, so your training doesn't have to include so many miles.

    Thank you, maybe I need to find others to run with....may help, If I can talk all the way round then running may not seem so arduous.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I love running. I love lifting heavy.

    Do you know how many things I went through before I realized I liked these 2 things? Body weight strength training, too many aerobic programs to count, walking DVDs, kickboxing, yoga, Dancing with the Stars DVDs, Tae Bo. The list is endless.

    It's about moving to be more fit. That's it. Your goals are your goals. There is no one way to get there. Find what you love most and then do it.
  • Helenca76
    Helenca76 Posts: 125 Member
    I was NEVER a runner however, I started running for the challenge of it all a few years back. I certainly didn't have the desire to run a 10K but working towards running a 5K was an appropriate goal to set in my opinion. I started off slowly with the C25K program with a friend which I found very helpful for the first few times out. I incorporated interval running on the treadmill and intervals of fast pacing on the elliptical machine as well. It was very helpful with increasing endurance. Core training also seemed to make a difference. I worked at it 3 days a week and eventually did only one mile a day for about a month. Adding a few more minutes each time there after worked into being able to run a 5K. Felt good to reach the goal but now use running as a quick cardio session if needed. I have maintained my endurance by doing high intensity interval training 5 days a week for 45 min. or so. It is a way to get my cardio and strength workouts in for a total body session-great for my lifestyle. If you don't love it, change things up for yourself. There are plenty of other things to try! Make sure you are well hydrated, have eaten so you have the energy to put into your workout and get enough sleep to support your workouts. You can do it.....own it!

    Great motivation and advice, thank you :happy:
  • Helenca76
    Helenca76 Posts: 125 Member
    I also hate running!!!!! My goal is to run a half marathon ... not because I really want to, but because my fiance wants us to run one together. I completely agree with everyone who says that life is too short to waste time doing something you don't enjoy. At the same time though, I appreciate that you are working toward a goal that seems out of reach right now (my intermediate goal is a 10k, and I don't feel like I could ever do one at the moment!) I don't think you have to reevaluate your goal if you don't want to ... we all have different reasons for setting ours, and I'm sure you set a 10k for a reason! I believe that you can do it!

    On a practical note, I started doing intervals when I run ... For example, yesterday I "ran" on the treadmill for 20 minutes ... but I alternated between a fast walk (3.5), a mod jog (4.7-5.3) and a full out sprint (7.3). I found it was easier than just running, and it was more interesting. Surprisingly, I felt good after the 20 minutes was up, not like I normally feel after just running at 5.0 for 20 minutes! I burned almost the same number of calories by trying to keep my average pace right around 5. I realize that its not super helpful in training for my goals, but at the same time, it is getting me more comfortable with running and since I don't feel like garbage when I finish, I seem to hop on the treadmill more often. If you're looking for something to do to try to increase your comfort level with running and not be miserable, I highly recommend some kind of interval training.

    Best of luck to you, I know you can get through it ... don't give up!

    Thank you, fab advice and you totally get why I am trying to run, think I'll set my goal to a 5k race and if I achieve that and finally get to enjoy running, then do a 10k. :smile:
  • Helenca76
    Helenca76 Posts: 125 Member
    Remember that diet is the most important part of weight loss so perhaps something there could use a tweak to get things moving again.

    QFT. OP, exercise is not really about weight loss, it's about fitness. If you're not losing, either your calories are out of balance or it's water weight from all the intense exercises you've been doing.

    1) Do you weight and measure your food? Do you double check the listings on MFP (many are user entered, old and inaccurate)? Do you log consistently (every food/drink you consume, every day)?
    2) Are you eating back exercise calories? If so, where are you getting your burns (MFP, some other site, HRM)?

    Yes I measure and weigh everything that passes my lips, include my alcohol on weekends and even the chocolate I sneaked from the kids treat box.
    I don't eat back my calories. I struggle to eat the 1700 a day I am supposed to eat.
    I work out between 30-75mins 6 days a week. Calories burned are calculated from my HRM.
    If I ate back the calories, would my weight shift?
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    oh why?

    Find an exercise you enjoy!!!! This is nonsense. Life is too short to be miserable. You do not have to run if you don't enjoy it.

    I walk and do strength training

    Good luck

    ^^This. I HATE running, but love walking and weight lifting. Why does your exercise routine HAVE to include running? Simple answer. It doesn't. Why do something you hate?
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    Like the others said, find something you enjoy.

    If you hate running, do something else. Forcing yourself to run is obviously not working.

    I can't run due to a medical condition, but I thought I needed to be a hardcore fitness buff to lose weight (I was worried short amounts of walking, swimming, and strength training weren't enough based on what other members do for exercise) so I was avoiding things I can do and also like to do for other exercises. That was not the way to go, and now I know my exercise program is better than no exercise. It's not a competition and exercise shouldn't be making you miserable because you want to find something you'll stick with.
  • piratebear1
    piratebear1 Posts: 88 Member
    I have to agree that if you're not enjoying it - try something else.

    I couldnt get on with running - I have knee issues etc - I could have carried on - but really wasnt feeling it. So instead I walk, quite a fast pace, and have managed to lose all my weight this way only - and Im managing to do a 'Mega walk' challenge of 62 miles in May
    AHASRADA Posts: 88 Member
    Oops, double post:)
    AHASRADA Posts: 88 Member
    Only you know if you are just having a tough day and want to vent, but really are committed to your running goal, or if you truly do hate it and running isn't for you. I also hate running, used to do it twice a week because it was the best thing to get my heart rate up, but then I found other class-based aerobic exercise I liked better that was also tough cardio.

    Have you tweaked your diet at all? As others have said, that is the most important aspect of weight loss. Just my little anecdotal evidence...I did 1200 cals. low carb for 6 months, then started zigzagging 4 days 1200, 2 days 1450, 1 day 1650 and alternating carb/low carb days. This did help break a plateau, but I eventually doubled my cardio and I started to feel weak and light-headed, especially during workouts. I had been reading about "eat more to weight less", and thought about upping my calories a little, but my weight loss had already slowed again and I was afraid it would stall altogether.

    Then came the holidays, and a week of eating with family and friends where I ate at least double my usual intake! I only gained 2 pounds, but realized I truly had been starving myself, and needed to eat more. I am now eating 1650 every day, and my weight loss has sped up! I also tweaked my macros, 40 carb/30 protein/30 fat everyday. I feel fabulous, am never hungry, and don't feel deprived because those extra calories give me the wiggle room to eat healthy food I enjoy (like beans & brown rice!).

    I was also wearing a Fitbit (and HRM for workouts) during the time I was feeling weak. It motivated me to increase my daily steps, hence the increased cardio. I later started wearing a BodyMedia fit band, but the calorie burn was much higher than the Fitbit, and thought it was way over-calculating. After doing some math, I've realized that the BodyMedia was likely more accurate than I thought, that Fitbit wasn't registering all my non-step related activity, and my deficit was more like 1200-1400 a day, which is why I was so weak. The BodyMedia is showing my current deficit as 750-950, which is much more manageable, especially since I only have 15 pounds to go!

    Anyway, just some thoughts. Tweaking calories, tweaking macros, tweaking your deficit. Best of luck!
  • mitchiejo
    mitchiejo Posts: 179 Member
    If you don't enjoy running do something else. There are so many different exercises you can do. I'm sure you can find one you really like!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i really enjoy running.... as long as i only do it once every 3 months!!!
  • Helenca76
    Helenca76 Posts: 125 Member
    i really enjoy running.... as long as i only do it once every 3 months!!!

    You made me smile for the first time today. Lol, thanks :-)
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Last time I checked running wasn't compulsory!

    If you really, really want to do that 10K, try this as an alternative training plan.

    Once a week, set out to cover 10K, however long it takes. After you've done a fast walking warm up, run for as long as you feel comfortable, even if it's just 5 minutes. Walk fast until you feel like running again. Repeat until you don't feel like you want to do run any more and walk the rest. That way you'll definitely, definitely be able to finish a 10K!

    Do similar half-hour session two or three times during the week.

    If you want a more formal run/walk ratio, try Jeff Galloway's based on your target pace:

    Run-walk-run ratio should correspond to the pace used (Runners).
    8 min/mi—run 4 min/walk 35 seconds
    9 min/mi— 4 min run-1 min walk
    10 min/mi—-3:1
    11 min/mi—2:30-1
    12 min/mi—-2:1
    13 min/mi—-1:1
    14 min/mi—30 sec run/30 sec walk
    15 min/mi—30 sec/45 sec
    16 min/mi—30 sec/60 sec

    Friends have done sub-four hour marathons using this method!

    Good luck! :flowerforyou: