Fitbit Flex

I have recently decided to get back on track with my diet and fitness Goals. I bought a Fitbit Flex. It says that it can link to this website, does anyone have any experience using this...and if so, does it work well together?



  • Ten10
    Ten10 Posts: 223 Member
    I have the Fitbit Force and I <3 it! I feel lost without it and it does help to keep me moving.
  • crumbtinies
    crumbtinies Posts: 29 Member
    I have a flex and I love it!! There are several fitbit groups on here, if you search under groups, but here's one that seems to have a lot of the info you are looking for
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Go to to connect your accounts. It's been buggy ever since Christmas-- there are multiple threads in the MFP "Fitbit Users" group:
  • ashleaa08
    I have a flex as well and they sync great together, I love it!
  • Ayne6246
    Ayne6246 Posts: 37 Member
    My daughters gave me one for Christmas and it has been a GREAT tool to keep me motivated. Since I've been retired, I've been pretty sedentary and I have set the silent alarm to vibrate every hour to remind me to get up and get moving so I have been doing 5-10 minutes on my Tony Little gazelle every hour between 10-4. I had already been doing Richard Simmons 40 minutes every day. Since I started tracking on my Flex on 1/29, I have lost 3#. It is motivating in that the dashboard gives you a goal to work toward and tracks whether you are meeting that goal or not. The only issue I have is that it does over count steps a little but that is a minor issue. I also like the fact that there are places for you tp track other things like blood pressure (which my MD wants me to track for a while).

    It takes a little playing around to figure it all out but it is a great tool. I would like for them to have a broader range of Android phones that will sync with it (I'm not a tech person just recently bronkdown & got am android phone, a Samsun Galaxy Cebtura, which doesn't sync with the program. I have downloaded the app so can check progress but if I am out of the house, I can't sync. They are adding new androids all the time so maybe mine will be added soon.

    Hope you have good luck with yours. I think you will love it.
  • sarahcav123
    sarahcav123 Posts: 128 Member
    Its a very good tool. I recommend logging all your food, water and extra exercise on MFP as it syncs well with fitbit (not the other way around). Definitely keeps me moving.

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