Looking for a Fitness pal to keep me accountable

Happy New years everyone. Its a new Year and once again i am looking to lose some weight. Last year i slowly lost about 10 lbs. I was successful because i logged in daily and recorded everything i ate. I weighed myself once a week. I did not set an aggressive goal because i do not want to feel starved or deprived.

Long story short, i went on vacation and enjoyed myself. After i returned i stopped recording my foods in my diary. It DOES work! I cant seem to get my self back on track. I log my exercising 3 times a week but dont do the food.

I am looking for a fitness pal who is also trying to lose weight. I think someone who will keep me accountable so that i can be successful and help them to be successful too.

If there is anyone out there that wants to give this a try, let me know. :)