One More in September

I need a challenge to do one more in September. In July and August, I get more time on my bike than any other time of the year. With the kids back in school and football starting, and my wife back to work (teaching) and it getting dark earlier and earlier, I simply slow down.

So, I want to do one more in September than I did in August. I rode my bike 12 times in August, so my one more is 13 times.

What is your one more? One more mile, one more pound? One more day exercising? simply set a goal of doing one more in September than August.


  • ejoh40509
    ejoh40509 Posts: 30 Member
    I like that....we have to build from somewhere. That is exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you:smile:
  • bsexton3
    bsexton3 Posts: 472 Member
    I have ridden my bike twice this month. Last month, had only ridden once by the 4th. but, I started out slow last month, and the weather has been great the first couple days.

    I will usually check-in on Mondays, after the weekend, but I did a long ride on my day off yesterday, and know I am taking today off.