I am over-shooting calorie intake everyday



  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    Probably being overweight and sedentary that gave you high BP. Not sodium intake.

    then why does the doc tell you to cut out sodium when your BP is borderline? Yes, overweight and sedentary plays a part, but so does sodium, and the sodium intake she has, which is a LOT on many days, could be that one factor that put her over the edge.
  • Mojoman02
    Mojoman02 Posts: 146 Member
    I struggle with this too (especially on weekends and find myself going above 3k) and find that it's usually a result of my own lack of planning. Try to plan a full day of food ahead of time and see if it's easier to stay at goal. I'll try to take my own advice and put it into practice too.

    I agree 100%. Part of this struggle involves planning, and lots of it. You have to buy the right foods at the store, and make time to prepare meals and pack proper lunches. It takes some extra time in the beginning but once you are on a roll, things go much more quickly and smoothly. I love that we have MyFitnessPal to be able to log all of our info!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Probably being overweight and sedentary that gave you high BP. Not sodium intake.

    then why does the doc tell you to cut out sodium when your BP is borderline? Yes, overweight and sedentary plays a part, but so does sodium, and the sodium intake she has, which is a LOT on many days, could be that one factor that put her over the edge.

    There are a lot of reasons. But the main reason is that high sodium intake can cause transient small increases in blood pressure. For someone with a normal BP, this is inconsequential. For people whose BP is higher than normal though, even these small increases can be damaging.

    As far as the evidence shows, sodium intake doesn't actually cause hypertension.. but you need to be careful with it once you have hypertension. Similar to sugar and diabetes. Sugar doesn't really cause diabetes, but if you have diabetes sugar can mess your system up.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    On Calorie "controversy":

    WW does "allow" its members to eat their 28 points which ever way the members choose BUT none of their leaders would actuallysuggest or recommend eating macdonalds or 12 snickers etc. No one can sustain on that kinda diet in LONG run. One may surely lose weight (calorie-in---calorie-out). Our bodies will give up too. We may be too exhausted, hungry if we eat 12 snickers or m&m or potato chips and may end up eating real food ON TOP OF THAT.

    So lets be reasonable.

    ANother thing of note: WW has zero points on fruits and vegetables (which I liked a lot). That was the reason I wasn't adding my salad in the MFP (which I do now).

    Some of you commented that my food looked delicious. Well...one can definitely eat tons of indian junk food. e.g. Pani-puri, bhel, murukku, samosa, though a total delight on tongue, are completely JUNK (street) food.

    Lastly I have aunt who is doctor here in Georgia. One day I was telling her how my grandmom was obese (IMO) but only ate healthy indian home cooked food...desserts had ghee and jiggery but none of the modern desserts. She was tall and big. She lived to 90+ age. And had no diseases (BP/Sugar/heart). So my doctor aunt said "BUT it is important what kind of food she was fat on". I have her good genes but my heavy sodium diet has given me high BP. So it does matter what (quality) we put into our bodies

    WW works for some, didn't work for me. It is a great program if it works for you keep it up but I do find tracking calories works and it's educational - I have only been here a short time and I am learning a lot about portions and what foods are higher in calories than others, etc.

    I am also more accountable for my food when I log in every day. I think about what I am eating and even though it's a public forum it doesn't seem as "public" as it did going to weekly WW meetings and weighing in.

    Just a comment not attacking WW as I said it's a great program if it works - it's all about finding your own key to success. Good luck with your journey! :flowerforyou:
  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    edit to add- you should most definitely be adding your fruit and salad calories in. A big salad with greens, cukes, tomato, onion can have 100-200 calories in it, it needs to be counted.
    How the deuce are you eating 200 calories in those vegetables????

    30 cals of lettuce = 200 grams. That's HALF A POUND OF LETTUCE!

    36 cals of tomato = 200 grams.

    32 cals of cucumber = 200 grams.

    40 cals of onion = 100 grams. That's like ONE WHOLE ONION!

    That's a 1.5lb salad! And it's 138 cals!
  • soshiv
    soshiv Posts: 13 Member
    edit to add- you should most definitely be adding your fruit and salad calories in. A big salad with greens, cukes, tomato, onion can have 100-200 calories in it, it needs to be counted.
    How the deuce are you eating 200 calories in those vegetables????

    30 cals of lettuce = 200 grams. That's HALF A POUND OF LETTUCE!

    36 cals of tomato = 200 grams.

    32 cals of cucumber = 200 grams.

    40 cals of onion = 100 grams. That's like ONE WHOLE ONION!

    That's a 1.5lb salad! And it's 138 cals!

    OK...I need to stop selecting from MFP's database. I need to create my own DB....I didn't eat so much lettuce/tom/cuke/....I promise...
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    edit to add- you should most definitely be adding your fruit and salad calories in. A big salad with greens, cukes, tomato, onion can have 100-200 calories in it, it needs to be counted.
    How the deuce are you eating 200 calories in those vegetables????

    30 cals of lettuce = 200 grams. That's HALF A POUND OF LETTUCE!

    36 cals of tomato = 200 grams.

    32 cals of cucumber = 200 grams.

    40 cals of onion = 100 grams. That's like ONE WHOLE ONION!

    That's a 1.5lb salad! And it's 138 cals!

    OK...I need to stop selecting from MFP's database. I need to create my own DB....I didn't eat so much lettuce/tom/cuke/....I promise...

    I east salad every day just about..

    just look up cucumbers raw (if that doesn't work try cucumber raw, you want the entry without the * next to it)

    You can create a meal. If you always have the same salad, you can make it a meal, then just click on that every time you have salad. I've never used the meal thing though, so I'm not too sure how it work. I just weigh everything and log individually. I eat the same things all the time so it's all under my list. I just have to find it the first time.

    yea.. my salad is 200 calories.. but i add a can of tuna to it. It really depends what is in your salad as to how many calories it is. I've had some pretty high calories salads, but your basic garden salad should barely break 100 calories... I like to put almonds and cranberries and cheese and avocado in mine though. lol.. so when I do that really gets the calories up. Of course that's usually a salad meant to be a meal.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    edit to add- you should most definitely be adding your fruit and salad calories in. A big salad with greens, cukes, tomato, onion can have 100-200 calories in it, it needs to be counted.
    How the deuce are you eating 200 calories in those vegetables????

    30 cals of lettuce = 200 grams. That's HALF A POUND OF LETTUCE!

    36 cals of tomato = 200 grams.

    32 cals of cucumber = 200 grams.

    40 cals of onion = 100 grams. That's like ONE WHOLE ONION!

    That's a 1.5lb salad! And it's 138 cals!

    My mistake. My salad yesterday was 515 cals, but I had 180cals of chicken, 160cals of blue cheese dressing, and 84cals of avocado, so it was only 91 cals of just the salad itself. I did say 100-200- 91 is close to 100! :)

    Still- if that 91 calories isn't counted and you eat that 5 days a week, that's 450 extra calories, which could make a difference.
  • soshiv
    soshiv Posts: 13 Member
    One of my favorite recipes is to bake sliced sweet potatoes with sliced apples. You layer the two with just a tiny bit of sugar and butter in between (we're talking 1-2 pats of butter per 3 apples and 3 sweet potatoes) and lots of cinnamon. Its high in fiber and nutrients, will fill you up and it tastes like a dessert.

    Thanks! I am going to try this today.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    edit to add- you should most definitely be adding your fruit and salad calories in. A big salad with greens, cukes, tomato, onion can have 100-200 calories in it, it needs to be counted.
    How the deuce are you eating 200 calories in those vegetables????

    30 cals of lettuce = 200 grams. That's HALF A POUND OF LETTUCE!

    36 cals of tomato = 200 grams.

    32 cals of cucumber = 200 grams.

    40 cals of onion = 100 grams. That's like ONE WHOLE ONION!

    That's a 1.5lb salad! And it's 138 cals!

    My mistake. My salad yesterday was 515 cals, but I had 180cals of chicken, 160cals of blue cheese dressing, and 84cals of avocado, so it was only 91 cals of just the salad itself. I did say 100-200- 91 is close to 100! :)

    Still- if that 91 calories isn't counted and you eat that 5 days a week, that's 450 extra calories, which could make a difference.

    I think more importantly, your entire salad meal was 515 calories. Most people at least use a dressing for salad! Well, the ones I've seen anyway. I had heard honey mustard had very few calories so I would use huge spoonfuls of it on salads. Come to find out all dressings are not created equal.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I think the 12 snickers / calorie debate was meant to encourage you, OP. Some people look at your diary and say, that's so unhealthy, she shouldn't be eating that. You can eat whatever you want that helps you meet a reduced calorie goal, and you will still lose weight. One suggestion I have is to get any items out of the house if you can't control yourself around it. For me, I can't have large quantities of bananas, most nuts, grapes, icecream, and of course most pastries in the house. I'll just keep eating them, hungry or not until they're gone. That's not to say I never eat them. If there's a small bag of grapes or two bananas in a bunch, I'll still buy those. Pastries I just buy single servings or make a single serving myself as a treat. The key is when it's gone, it's GONE, and I need to find something else to eat. I hope to learn better self control one day. I just don't have that level yet

    Can you eat least confirm that you have a food scale? You should be able to get one for under $20. Some deal stalkers here have mentioned getting one for under 10! Weigh your food, log calories accurately. When you see the largest contributors, even you would decide for yourself, geez, is this xyz ingredient really worth it?
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    A Calorie is not a calorie. 300 calories of spinach is not the same as 300 calories of a Snickers bar.

    How are the calories different?
  • olivia_june
    olivia_june Posts: 111 Member
    Absolutely get an electronic food scale if you don't already, OP! It can be astounding how much you're ACTUALLY eating compared to if you just eyeball it :)