Too much fruit and veg?

I'm currently aiming to eat 1400 calories a day and I've been using fruit and veg as a tool to keep me full and satisfied so I don't reach for unhealthy food instead.
Today it occurred to me that I am eating A LOT of it - average 500-600 calories worth per day. I feel okay but I'm wondering if that too much? Is it possible to overdo it?


  • JoanaMHill
    JoanaMHill Posts: 265 Member
    Unless you have a sensitivity to them, the only thing you really risk is getting tired of them. However if eating that much is consistently putting you over your calorie goals or making it harder to fit other things in, you might want to take a look at your diet and decide if you should cut back there or in other areas. My current calorie goal is 1460 and even with meals at 300 or 400 calories most days, I don't have that much room for snacks unless I exercise that day.
  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    A sharp increase in fiber will affect your bowels while your body adjusts, but I think a diet full of fruits and veggies is a good thing.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm currently aiming to eat 1400 calories a day and I've been using fruit and veg as a tool to keep me full and satisfied so I don't reach for unhealthy food instead.
    Today it occurred to me that I am eating A LOT of it - average 500-600 calories worth per day. I feel okay but I'm wondering if that too much? Is it possible to overdo it?

    If you are still getting enough fat and protein, then it's unlikely to be a problem.
  • The high sugar content in many fruits translates to carbs, which will be stored if you're not exercising. Stick to berries (blackberries, blueberries, strawberries , raspberries) and measure out the portions. Pass by bananas, apples, watermelon and canteloupe, which are higher in natural sugar content.
  • kgreenRDLDN
    kgreenRDLDN Posts: 248 Member
    I'm currently aiming to eat 1400 calories a day and I've been using fruit and veg as a tool to keep me full and satisfied so I don't reach for unhealthy food instead.
    Today it occurred to me that I am eating A LOT of it - average 500-600 calories worth per day. I feel okay but I'm wondering if that too much? Is it possible to overdo it?

    Like the others stated, the fiber can cause some people to have some GI issues if its a sharp increase from what you normally eat. However other than that, as long as you are balancing your diet with proteins, grains, dairy, the fruit & veggies you are fine! No such thing as too much fruit or too much vegetables!
  • kgreenRDLDN
    kgreenRDLDN Posts: 248 Member
    The high sugar content in many fruits translates to carbs, which will be stored if you're not exercising. Stick to berries (blackberries, blueberries, strawberries , raspberries) and measure out the portions. Pass by bananas, apples, watermelon and canteloupe, which are higher in natural sugar content.

    Berries still have carbs to them, though they are lower. There is no problem with bananas, apples, or melons (they are low in carbs too due to water content) These fruits are high in fiber so that helps.
  • alexandriax03
    alexandriax03 Posts: 289 Member
    The only thing I worry about is that you aren't getting enough calories from other foods. If you're eating 500-600 calories per day from just veggies/fruits, that only leaves about 800-900 calories for proteins and fats, which are typically higher calorie.

    Here's just an idea for a meal plan:


    2 hard boiled eggs (140 calories, 12 g protein)
    1 banana (90 calories)

    Mid morning snack:

    Reduced fat cheese stick (60 calories, 5 g protein)
    1 small to medium size apple (60 calories)


    3 oz. meat (roughly 120 calories, 21 g protein)
    1 cup brown rice (150 calories)
    As many veggies as you'd like (my dietician tells me veggies are FREE… ZERO CALORIES. So despite what MFP tells you, don't count them)

    Mid afternoon snack:

    1 cup fruit of your choice (100 calories)
    Emerald 100 calorie pack almonds (100 calories)


    3 oz. meat (roughly 120 calories, 21 g protein)
    1 small to medium sweet potato (150 calories)
    As many veggies as you'd like

    Bedtime snack:

    Veggies with ranch dressing made with plain chobani greek yogurt and hidden valley ranch seasoning (it's really good and way better than pre made dressings….. 75 calories)

    Total calories: 1165

    This leaves you room for additional food choices… more fruits or something else that you like to eat.

    Hope this helps.

    P.S. make sure you are drinking enough water as well
  • Iam doing the same thing as at home we eat a lot of veggies bannanas and strawbereies and with the spring time comeing a lot of fruit and veggies will be in the house but Iam starting my diet now Iam not waiting I also find my self cheeting Iam not going over my goals or anything which is good but I feel bad I do Iam going to get my veggies in I have cauliflower waiting at home yummy
  • Shellz31
    Shellz31 Posts: 214 Member
    I agree that the increased fiber could cause temporary digestive discomfort, though your body will get used to it and from my experience things get a lot easier and more efficient in that area over time.

    I seriously question the idea you can eat too many fruits and veggies, especially when most people eat too few. 100 calories of broccoli has more protein than 100 calories of steak (seriously, look it up if you don't believe me). And obviously 100 calories of broccoli is a lot more volume than 100 calories of steak so it'll fill you up better. You're getting micronutrients that your body needs, and you even get some fatty acids from produce.

    Unless produce is strictly all you are eating, I wouldn't worry personally. Just one girls opinon though :)
  • It helped me I don't have a printer so I wrote everything down by hand and Iam going to follow this thanks

  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    The high sugar content in many fruits translates to carbs, which will be stored if you're not exercising. Stick to berries (blackberries, blueberries, strawberries , raspberries) and measure out the portions. Pass by bananas, apples, watermelon and canteloupe, which are higher in natural sugar content.

    not this ^^^^^

    Fruits and vegetables in quantity are not going to hinder your weight loss unless you are eating so much to create a calorie excess.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I'm currently aiming to eat 1400 calories a day and I've been using fruit and veg as a tool to keep me full and satisfied so I don't reach for unhealthy food instead.
    Today it occurred to me that I am eating A LOT of it - average 500-600 calories worth per day. I feel okay but I'm wondering if that too much? Is it possible to overdo it?

    If you are still getting enough fat and protein, then it's unlikely to be a problem.


    If your protien & fat numbers are good, then no problem. Protein & fat also help you stay full.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,228 Member
    I love fruit & veg. I make sure I eat enough good fat & protein, but after that, I eat mostly plant stuff. I have had good success and I am quite healthy now. Unless you have dietary issues with them, I wouldn't worry about it.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    I agree that the increased fiber could cause temporary digestive discomfort, though your body will get used to it and from my experience things get a lot easier and more efficient in that area over time.

    I seriously question the idea you can eat too many fruits and veggies, especially when most people eat too few. 100 calories of broccoli has more protein than 100 calories of steak (seriously, look it up if you don't believe me). And obviously 100 calories of broccoli is a lot more volume than 100 calories of steak so it'll fill you up better. You're getting micronutrients that your body needs, and you even get some fatty acids from produce.

    Unless produce is strictly all you are eating, I wouldn't worry personally. Just one girls opinon though :)

    Actually 100 cals of broccoli has 7 grams protein, whereas 100 cals of lean steak is around 14 grams. I looked it up.

    As for the OPs question, if you are talking about non starchy vegetables, then yes, it would be very difficult to overeat on those, if you were eating them raw. If you cook them, or juice them, then you can eat quite a bit more and could potentially go over your calories, but still not too likely. The exception for me is cauliflower. I cook it and mash it up like potatoes, and can easily eat a whole bag in one sitting. That is 125 cals for a 1 lb bag.

    As for fruits- bananas are around 100 cals each. So are large apples. Pineapples, melons, etc actually have quite a few calories and sugar as well, so it is not difficult to go over your calorie goal if you eat several servings a day.
    Even tho it is natural sugar, and fruit has some fiber, it is still a lot of sugar when eaten in bulk and can spike your blood sugar and insulin levels.

    If you do eat 500-600 cals a day in fruits and veggies, then I would cut out starchy carbs so that you can fit in your protein and healthy fats.
    Measure and weigh your fruits so that you keep an accurate calorie count.
  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member
    The only thing I worry about is that you aren't getting enough calories from other foods. If you're eating 500-600 calories per day from just veggies/fruits, that only leaves about 800-900 calories for proteins and fats, which are typically higher calorie.

    Here's just an idea for a meal plan:


    2 hard boiled eggs (140 calories, 12 g protein)
    1 banana (90 calories)

    Mid morning snack:

    Reduced fat cheese stick (60 calories, 5 g protein)
    1 small to medium size apple (60 calories)


    3 oz. meat (roughly 120 calories, 21 g protein)
    1 cup brown rice (150 calories)
    As many veggies as you'd like (my dietician tells me veggies are FREE… ZERO CALORIES. So despite what MFP tells you, don't count them)

    Mid afternoon snack:

    1 cup fruit of your choice (100 calories)
    Emerald 100 calorie pack almonds (100 calories)


    3 oz. meat (roughly 120 calories, 21 g protein)
    1 small to medium sweet potato (150 calories)
    As many veggies as you'd like

    Bedtime snack:

    Veggies with ranch dressing made with plain chobani greek yogurt and hidden valley ranch seasoning (it's really good and way better than pre made dressings….. 75 calories)

    Total calories: 1165

    This leaves you room for additional food choices… more fruits or something else that you like to eat.

    Hope this helps.

    P.S. make sure you are drinking enough water as well

    I like this!!
  • It is absolutely impossible to hurt you body with fruits and vegetables!
  • don't eat fat if you are trying to lose fat!
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    don't eat fat if you are trying to lose fat!
    I would agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.

    Fat doesn't make you fat. Too many calories make you fat.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    It is absolutely impossible to hurt you body with fruits and vegetables!

    It is so totally possible if..

    1. You have food allergies, or
    B. You have ulcerative colitis.

    Either of those could land you in the hospital.

    So there. :tongue:
  • arl1286
    arl1286 Posts: 276 Member
    500 calories is pretty standard for me for fruits/vegetables. I make sure that I hit at least 5 servings per day, but I usually exceed 8. For example, what I ate yesterday (in terms of fruits/veggies): 2 bananas, 1 apple, carrots, 2 cups of chopped zucchini, 1 cup of chopped bell peppers, 1/2 cup of chopped onion, and 5 medium sized mushrooms.