Heavy Lifting vs Jillian M vs Body Weight

OK so I really really want to get toned. Currently I can not afford a gym membership. Please don't tell me about awesome gym or community places that are cheap. Literally I can't afford 10$ and I live in a small mountain town so there is nothing.
I would like to get toned and build muscle in my torso and arms.
I can not lift heavy at home since I don't have a squat rack or any proper equipment and no room for them as we do not have a basement or garage.
I was going to do the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Slim Down (it's like shred but incorporates other videos of hers as well. to start as I haven't exercised since August). After that I was going to do this work out schedule - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkQPU29aG-EPdDFadHp2eFJ3TWFwN1RDR25sdXNqX0E#gid=0
But are there any good You Are Your Own Gym/Body Weigh exercises that are "like" heavy lifting? That are free online?