How to season vegetables

fat_forever Posts: 56
edited September 21 in Recipes
Okay, so the title to this thread is a bit misleading, but if you try this, I bet you can get your kids to eat vegetables that they don't like.

To start, let's take a vegetable that a lot of people don't like.....brussel sprouts Keep in mind that this works for most vegetables. I use frozen vegetables, but you can use fresh or whatever kind you like. Place the brussel sprouts in a pan, and fill it with enough water to cover the brussel sprouts. Bring the water to a boil, then reduce the heat to a simmer. Let the brussel sprouts simmer until they are soft all the way through. I usually let them simmer until I see some of the layers of each sprout start to peel off. You can also taste one to see if it is soft all the way don't want them to be hard in the middle. The idea here is to boil out the strong taste of the sprouts.

Okay, now, remove them from the stove, and pour off the water. Once you've removed the water, just add a small amount of corn oil (some people prefer to use a lite olive oil). Just add enough oil to lightly coat the don't want them floating in it. Okay, now add a liberal amount of garlic salt. Once you've done that, place the top on the pot and shake so as to mix up the whole thing. Turn the pot upside down for a second as you are shaking. You want to get it all mixed up well. Once you are done that, serve them hot. I leave the garlic salt on the table in case someone wants to add a bit more.

What you are doing is removing the taste of the sprouts and replacing it with the taste of the corn oil (or olive oil) and the garlic salt. Remember, margarine is made from corn oil, that's why the corn oil tastes so good.

You can do this with broccoli, cauliflower, mixed vegetables, you name it. It all tastes good. I like to call it the Italian seasoning method.<g>


  • By boiling out the flavour of the sprout you are actually boiling out all of the goodness at the same time.
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